How Mass Effect Became a Board Game

Mass Effect is one of the most acclaimed and beloved video game franchises of all time, with global sales of over 20 million copies across the series. Now, fans of Commander Shepherd and the Normandy Crew have the chance to see their favorite characters sculpted on the tabletop, thanks to the upcoming Mass Effect: The Board Game – Priority: Hagalaz.

You might justifiably be concerned that this is a cheap cash-in, like many board game adaptations of video games, but the good news is that one of tabletop’s hottest designers, Eric Lang, creator of Blood Rage and XCOM: The Board Game, is attached to the project. The better news is that he’s a fan of the Mass Effect franchise himself. “I’ve been humbled by the game’s profound and groundbreaking influence on all video game design for over a decade,” he admits. “I wanted to do justice to this brand.”

However, the magic ingredient for the project was Eric’ trusted co-pilot, new designer Calvin Wong Tze Loon 黃子倫, whom Eric describes as a “superfan” of the sci-fi series. Calvin was understandably thrilled to have the opportunity. “When I got the invite to co-design and do narrative work, I screamed out loud,” he admits. “In some ways, I haven’t stopped screaming since!”

Priority: Hagalaz is set aboard the titular planet of Hagalaz, on which a rogue cruiser from the terrorist cell Cerberus has crashed. The game tells the story of Commander Shepherd and crew infiltrating the ship to discover its secrets in the hope of gaining an edge in the ongoing war effort against the terrifying Reapers. While the planet of Hagalaz was featured in both Mass Effect 2 and 3, it’s not central to the plot and seemed an odd choice to set the action of the board game.

Turns out this choice was Calvin’s. “It’s the Shadow Broker planet from Mass Effect 2, and a planetwide storm provided a very dramatic time limit with which we could pressure the players,” he explains. “From a personal perspective, I always liked filling in the corners of stories I liked. We saw the storm, briefly, in the video game. What if we came back?”

Although the designers steered the game, they did so in coordination with the Mass Effect team at Bioware to ensure that the game stayed true to their original vision for the setting and characters. “We wanted to make sure that the objectives and narrative text both fit canon and the heroic tone of the series,” says Calvin. “For example, Bioware asked us to include extra text saying that various prisoners and civilians rescued by the squad would be picked up by Kodiak shuttles so that it was clear they were being rescued.” Eric adds that it was also Bioware’s idea to have two different hazard decks to differentiate areas of the cruiser.

Mechanically, the game is a cooperative affair in which players pick characters from the franchise and work together in tactical combat missions, defeating enemies and securing on-board objectives. The introduction, events and outcome of each mission are woven together with snippets of narrative text. This is a crowded genre, potentially including critical behemoths like Gloomhaven, but Priority: Hagalaz has two innovative features, aside from its popular license, that make it stand out from the crowd.

Firstly, it’s a campaign game that you can play in a single evening, with your team undertaking 3-5 hour-long missions – it’s your choice how many, and it’s easy to “save” your game state between sessions – across a branching structure of 10 different scenarios which can lead to different endings.

When I got the invite to co-design and do narrative work, I screamed out loud.

“We wanted the most epic experience that was also approachable by the vast majority of players crossing over from the video game series,” says Eric. Calvin picks up the theme, saying “As board gamers, we know the pain of completing one mission of a campaign, packing it away and knowing it could be months before you saw the same friends again to do the next mission. So we wanted to give players that feeling of getting a ton of bang for their buck. See everything! Play it over and over!”

Second, the game has a clever action dice system in which the first player each turn rolls a large pool of dice, picks the results they want to use, then passes the remainder to the next player who can lock in a single result and re-rolls the rest. Action dice, where the rolled faces indicate what actions you can undertake, are an underused concept in design, although they made a recent appearance in Dune: War for Arrakis. They allow a designer to achieve a fantastic balance between strategy and excitement, while ensuring a game doesn’t grow stale once you’ve mastered the strategy. Passing the dice pool between players is a novel way of using them, making player order and timing absolutely critical to your tactics.

This is one of Eric’s contributions to the design. “I borrowed that mechanic from an unfinished cooperative skirmish game I was working on, and was waiting for the right fit,” he tells IGN. “I love how it models the chaos of squad combat without requiring the stress of real time.” Interestingly, dice are not used to determine combat results: if you roll a combat action face and decide to use it, you hit automatically and do damage depending on your character. “You’re a squad of competent pros, so this allowed us to avoid the frustration of ‘roll to hit – miss!’,” explains Calvin. “The option to save a die increases co-operation between players, as I’m looking at my friend’s situation and asking them if they’d like me to leave them a specific die so they can bail themselves out of it, which enhances the feeling of being an elite squad.”

While the dice pool does enhance cooperation between the players, games where everyone is working together can suffer if one player tries, intentionally or otherwise, to take over decision-making. Eric has designed a number of other cooperative titles, and doesn’t feel it’s an issue in Priority: Hagalaz. “In my opinion, this is an overstated problem,” he says. “There are various ways to mitigate it, one of which is dynamic complexity, allowing tension between players’ advancement goals, introducing light competitive elements. Our game has this in spades.” He’s talking about the way characters develop between missions, rewarding each player’s achievements with their choice of new powers to use in the next game.

Whatever innovations the game brings to the tactical combat genre, it is perhaps more important that it plays and feels like a Mass Effect game, something the designers were keenly aware of. “We designed the squad members from the ground up to replicate the fantasy of those characters from the video game,” Calvin tells IGN. But for many players, the designers included, what makes the series stand out from its peers is the sense that your in-game choices have a profound effect on the unfolding story, ensuring your own journey has a sense of uniqueness that reflects your decisions. Designing that into a board game, with its relatively limited set of narrative and components, is a huge challenge, but Eric and Calvin felt it was important to meet it head-on.

I love how it models the chaos of squad combat without requiring the stress of real time.

Their tool of choice was the way missions can end in three states, a difficult “Paragon” victory, an easier “Renegade” win, or a loss, each of which feeds into the next mission. If you aim for the highest grade, you might end up failing completely. “Do you risk the more difficult idealistic path for wilder upgrades, or take the safer, more pragmatic path for more steady upgrades,” queries Eric. “Another way is that the missions you choose impact future missions directly. It’s the most elegant implementation of a branching narrative that we liked.”

Eric notes that this is something players can, and do, decide on the fly. “We noticed play testers sometimes abandoning the Paragon objective when things got too hot, therefore making a narrative choice via a tactical decision,” he recalls. “That’s such a cool moment, because even though you don’t actually fail the campaign if you lose the mission, players just organically decided the risk was too high and took the safe win instead of sticking it out for an idealistic, but perhaps doomed outcome. And maybe they can try again in a future play through!”

With only 10 missions total, even with a branching structure and a variety of characters to choose from, it feels like the game might have limited replay value. But the designers think that not only is that not the case, it’s actually part of the way it conjures the Mass Effect sense of meaningful decisions. “Being able to replay a short campaign also lets players see the various outcomes of their choices as they try it again and again,” Calvin points out. “Each playthrough encourages players to try different builds for their favorite squadmates and see how those skills play off each other. Players could choose to funnel all the squad’s power into one character, or spread it out amongst others. Agonizing over who gets which level up and how to assign the skills so that synergies are created amongst the squad is a really cool set of choices.”

This kind of design is meat and potatoes to Eric. “I specialize in modular replayability, which is fancy designer-speak for games that present fun scenarios that change significantly depending on which components you choose to bring to the table,” he explains. “Two campaigns played side-by-side where you choose only one different mission and one different squadmate should have a very different feeling with the same rules set. I’m not a fan of disposable content; we wanted to design scenarios with a number of fun ways to approach and solve, while forcing players to adapt. Picture something like 10 intertwined games of Pandemic with different endings to work towards.”

It’s clear that Priority: Hagalaz is something of a labor of love, where both designers have worked hard together to try and identify what made the series special for them, and bring that across to the very different realm of tabletop play. The result doesn’t just pop on the tabletop thanks to the video game assets and plastic figures, but fills a small gap in the narrative of the original trilogy’s final game, Mass Effect 3. How the board game fares as part of the wider franchise is yet to be seen – Eric would only say there are “plenty of ideas in the works” – but in true Mass Effect style, your decision on whether to play it might impact its future in an as-yet unforeseen way.

You can pre-order the game here. It’ll be available at retail on N7 Day: November the 7th.

Matt Thrower is a contributing freelancer for IGN, specializing in tabletop games. You can reach him on BlueSky at

Save the Kingdom: Epic Battles Await in Bunny Battle Nemesis


  • Defend the Leporidae Kingdom with a diverse deck of heroes.
  • Uncover hidden connections within the DCF Universe.
  • Dive into the expansive backstory with the upcoming DCF Universe Ultimate Collector Edition Pack.

All games from the DCF Universe have their unique story, leading up to the outstanding plot twist that hits you in the guts. So, you must have a keen eye to catch the small intrinsic details, to see the hidden linking points between titles, the Easter eggs, and loose ends. And it has been this way since the game Cruz Brothers, when the DCFU made its debut on Xbox. But now, with Bunny Battle Nemesis, the Universe takes center stage. This game is the epicenter of the content, culminating in a doomed Kingdom worth defending.

The bunnies, known as the Leporidae, are not just ordinary inhabitants of their kingdom. They are a unique species crafted by the Goddess of Death herself, Hell Ella, with the aid of the Great Anunnaki. The Leporidae have lived in harmony with their environment, mining Natural Dolomites under the protection of Hell Ella. Their kingdom is a place of both spiritual and material significance.

Bunny battle screenshot

However, the arrival of a rogue Maiden in this world, along with her army of Homo Sapiens mercenaries, disrupted the peace and put the Leporidae under threat.

To defend the Kingdom, Ella summons our main protagonist, Valentina, who is also a powerful Maiden. You may have seen her in the final cutscene of Tony and Clyde. Remember the loose ends mentioned earlier? This is a huge one! Let’s address the Maiden’s topic a bit: To craft a Maiden, Hell Ella needs an individual to call out to her in desperate times of need. If you’re lucky enough to get the Goddess’s attention, the situation creates a strong bond and pure connection between that soul and Hell Ella. Blessed with Ella’s power, a Maiden is born. These Maidens are a tool for Ella to intervene in the material realms.

Not only is Valentina at your disposal in your deck of heroes, but you can also choose from the Leporidae resistance: Björka, the Leporidae General, who also made a special appearance in Tony and Clyde in the Björka Madness update; the warrior Gladius, who, with his deadly blades and laser beams, will shred anything in his path; and Berserker, a cute little rabbit with a deeply complicated temper!

Bunny battle screenshot

Players will engage in combat with a fast-paced rhythm, a unique feature for the beat ’em up genre. The fight system embraces both simplicity for casual gamers and depth for those who wish to master it. Each hero has their own unlockable deck of skills and attacks. Find optimal combinations to fit your own playing style. Accessibility with depth!

Bunny battle screenshot

Facing the rogue Maiden, our nemesis Miss Amanda, in the boss fights is a game changer in the overall experience. Here, a clash of genres occurs, as the combination of beat ’em up, hack ‘n’ slash, and arcade-style bosses converge in a unique challenge against the rogue Maiden, who uses high-end alien technology stolen from the Great Anunnaki.

Bunny battle screenshot

But wait, aliens? Anunnaki? Ok, ok… If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of backstory and lore, it’s because you are! Bunny Battle Nemesis is the culmination of a great chunk of content from the DCFU applied to one game. You do not need to learn it all to enjoy the overall experience—not at all. But if you wish to dig deeper into this rabbit hole, get ready for the upcoming add-on, DCF Universe Ultimate Collection Edition Pack—a coming-soon goodie you’ll be able to get within the game.

Bunny Battle Nemesis is available now on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Bring your A-game to the battleground, invite a friend for local couch co-op, and defend the Leporidae Kingdom from certain doom.

Bunny Battle Nemesis

DCF Studios



Sci-fi, bloodthirsty bunnies, and the powers of a goddess at your disposal! This is Bunny Battle Nemesis. Experience intense action, explosions, and chaos as you defend the Bunny Kingdom from certain doom at the hands of a vengeful demigod and her army of mercenaries.

The post Save the Kingdom: Epic Battles Await in Bunny Battle Nemesis appeared first on Xbox Wire.

No Man’s Sky’s Aquarius update lets you go fishing across the galaxy

Back in July, No Man’s Sky reached version 5.0 with the Worlds update, which refreshed its planetary generation to introduce more variety alongside more detailed water, clouds, and weather. We didn’t write about it at the time, because I suppose re-writing the very fabric of the galaxy seemed small-time.

Today’s new update, however, adds fishing, and I can’t not write about that.

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Nikhil Murthy’s Syphilisation is a ferociously in-depth, empathic reworking of Civilization and other 4X games

Nikhil Murthy’s Syphilisation is a “postcolonial 4X game”, which might sound like a contradiction in terms. While approaches to 4X and grand strategy vary hugely between games, factions and players, the genre as a whole is firmly wedded to imperial conquest, both structurally and at the level of narrative aspects and set-dressing. Many 4X games are triumphal re-enactments of specific periods of colonial settlement and expansion. All of which is to say that Syphilisation is fascinating. It’s a reworking of the genre which dismantles and reconstructs concepts such as diplomacy, research and production. It’s also just left early access – find more details and a playthrough video below.

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The Legend Of Zelda ’80s Cartoon Series Gets DVD Re-Release

“That’s how I like to start a morning.”.

If you deem yourself the ultimate Zelda fan, no matter the quality of the product, then you should probably count The Legend of Zelda’s ’80s cartoon among your collection. Wait, you don’t own it? Well, fortunately, DIC Entertainment’s 13-episode run is getting a DVD rerelease later this year.

Pre-orders for The Legend of Zelda – The Complete Series went live on Amazon over the weekend (via @VideoArtGame) — we’re honestly not sure how we missed it — and the rerelease will be out on 22nd October 2024. Should give you plenty of time to finish Echoes of Wisdom then, right?

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Grab Your Space Rod and Find the Perfect Fishing Spot in the No Man’s Sky Aquarius Update

Grab Your Space Rod and Find the Perfect Fishing Spot in the No Man’s Sky Aquarius Update


  • The No Man’s Sky Aquarius update is available to download this week, and is free to existing players
  • This latest free update makes full use of the recently upgraded water and introduces fishing as another meaningful activity to aid survival (or relaxation) in the universe
  • A whole host of other water-based activities, challenges and rewards await Xbox, PC and Game Pass players

Wow! What an amazing month we’ve had, welcoming so many more Xbox and Game Pass No Man’s Sky Travellers into our newly-revamped universe, propelling our player numbers to among our highest in five years. 

The Worlds Part I update really struck a chord with the community, who rushed to share amazing screenshots of their vibrant new vistas, especially the seas, oceans, and lakes which now ripple and sparkle with realistic wave formations and foam generation. 

It was only appropriate then that our first expedition in this brave new world should be water-based. 

The Aquarius Update is free to download for existing Xbox players this week and introduces something we have been tempted to add ever since we stood on the shores of No Man’s Sky’s planets and looked out across their watery expanses – fishing!

Those who have explored the depths in their Nautilon submarines will know that the bodies of water in No Man’s Sky are as abundant with creatures as dry land. The thrill of the catch in No Man’s Sky lies in the fact that you never quite know what you’re going to pull up. The variety of aquatic life ranges vastly from common minnow-like fish to huge alien marine mammals.

Fishing in No Man’s Sky is a uniquely relaxing experience, either alone with your thoughts or with the companionship of others. Grab a rod and your friends (optional!) and set out to explore the universe in the hunt for the perfect fishing spot. Cast off from the riverbank, float out further on your deployable Exo-Skiff, or acquire the blueprints to make automatic bait pots and establish a fish farm. Craft bait and unique lures to catch rarer fish – including legendary catches, each accompanied by a snippet of marine lore.

While you’re waiting patiently to catch a bite, why not dredge for hidden messages in bottles from those that have passed this way before? Or, participate in the associated fishing expedition launching alongside Aquarius, which sends players on a quest for the biggest catch of the day!

Of course, with this newfound ability to farm the lakes, seas and oceans, you will want to develop your cooking skills with all-new recipes and ingredient combinations out there to be discovered alongside new marine life.

Fill out your Fishing Records with over 150 unique catches, adorn your base with nautical-themed decorations, and earn a beautifully detailed set of deep-sea customisation parts, including a unique underwater jetpack.

For those who have yet to jump into No Man’s Sky, you have a lot to catch up on. The Omega, Orbital and the dramatic Worlds Part I updates so far this year alone have added so much! If you’ve got a Game Pass subscription, why not take the plunge with Aquarius?

No Man’s Sky is available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Game Pass.

Xbox Play Anywhere

No Man’s Sky

Hello Games



Xbox One X Enhanced
PC Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass

No Man’s Sky comes complete with all 29 major updates up to and including Worlds Part I.

Inspired by the adventure and imagination that we love from classic science-fiction, No Man’s Sky presents you with a galaxy to explore, filled with unique planets and lifeforms, and constant danger and action.

In No Man’s Sky, every star is the light of a distant sun, each orbited by planets filled with life, and you can go to any of them you choose. Fly smoothly from deep space to planetary surfaces, with no loading screens, and no limits. In this infinite procedurally generated universe, you’ll discover places and creatures that no other players have seen before – and perhaps never will again.

Embark on an epic voyage
At the centre of the galaxy lies a irresistible pulse which draws you on a journey towards it to learn the true nature of the cosmos. But, facing hostile creatures and fierce pirates, you’ll know that death comes at a cost, and survival will be down to the choices you make over how you upgrade your ship, your weapon and suit.

Find your own destiny
Your voyage through No Man’s Sky is up to you. Will you be a fighter, preying on the weak and taking their riches, or taking out pirates for their bounties? Power is yours if you upgrade your ship for speed and weaponry.
Or a trader? Find rich resources on forgotten worlds and exploit them for the highest prices. Invest in more cargo space and you’ll reap huge rewards.
Or perhaps an explorer? Go beyond the known frontier and discover places and things that no one has ever seen before. Upgrade your engines to jump ever farther, and strengthen your suit for survival in toxic environments that would kill the unwary.

Share your journey
The galaxy is a living, breathing place. Trade convoys travel between stars, factions vie for territory, pirates hunt the unwary, and the police are ever watching. Every other player lives in the same galaxy, and you can choose to share your discoveries with them on a map that spans known space. Perhaps you will see the results of their actions as well as your own…

The post Grab Your Space Rod and Find the Perfect Fishing Spot in the No Man’s Sky Aquarius Update appeared first on Xbox Wire.

Players’ Choice: Vote for August 2024’s best new game

August was packed with plenty of summer gaming with titles that hit almost every genre in the medium. What did you enjoy most about last month’s title lineup? 

How does it work? At the end of every month, PlayStation Blog will open a poll where you can vote for the best new game released that month. After the polls close we will tally your votes, and announce the winner on our social channels and PlayStation.Blog. 

What is the voting criteria? That’s up to you! If you were only able to recommend one new release to a friend that month, which would it be? Note: re-released games don’t qualify, but remakes do. We define remakes as ambitious, larger-scale rebuilds such as Resident Evil 4 (2023) and Final Fantasy VII Remake.

How are nominees decided? The PlayStation Blog editorial team will gather a list of that month’s most noteworthy releases and use it to seed the poll. 

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 review: a devoted sequel of swords and spectacle

It’s been 13 years since the first Space Marine came out. While it wasn’t outstanding in the grander landscape of gaming, enough Warhammer 40K fans seem to have cherished the escapades of bulky blue boltgunner Demetrian Titus for the action game to merit a sequel a decade later. It left its story on something of a cliffhanger, with said hero being dragged away to face untold tortures by the Inquisition, the most zealous sect of this preternaturally paranoid sci-fi universe. Today, Titus is free again. Free to stomp towards hordes of alien foes, blast them with a plasma incinerator, and shred the stragglers with a chainsaw sword. Space Marine 2 is an often-satisfying scrapper that has me convinced of 40K’s merit as a crafting ground for excellent-looking environments and creatures, even if I’m not particularly moved by the bland character of Titus and his fellow Ultramarines.

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Scalpers Are Trying to Upsell Concord After Sony Pulled It From Sale

Scalpers are currently trying to sell physical copies of Concord for much more than its recommended retail price after Sony pulled the hero shooter from sale just 11 days after launch.

Physical copies of Concord have been pulled from store shelves ahead of a server shut down on September 6, 2024. The PlayStation 5 and PC hero shooter launched to abysmal player numbers with analysts estimating as few as 25,000 copies were sold physically and digitally.

Scalpers who still have a sealed copy of the game are therefore seeing it as an opportunity to make some money, listing Concord on eBay for double or even triple its price. Some sellers still have it available for its standard price of $39.99 so it’s unlikely many of these will sell just yet, however.

“Ships overnight on September 4, get on September 5 so you can play for a day before the servers shut down,” reads one listing for an opened copy priced at $119.88. “On September 6 the game will be a rare unplayable collector’s item.”

A sealed copy is currently listed for $179.99, though at least warns players of the September 6 takedown and says “buy at your own discretion.” Its next comment is a tad more questionable: “Get ready for an epic gaming experience with Concord for the Sony PlayStation 5,” it says. “This rare and highly sought after game is being recalled and is available now in a USA sealed package.”

There is no denying this edition of Concord will be rare, but whether or not it becomes valuable remains to be seen. It’s likely only a few thousand are out in the wild though, given how poorly Concord sold and how low physical sales are compared to digital.

Concord has an unclear future in more ways than one, and while developer Firewalk has said it’s going back to the drawing board and suggested a free-to-play re-launch may be on the cards, Sony has made no such guarantee.

It was under development for eight years according to one developer and likely cost the company tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, to make. After all that, it was on sale for a total of 11 days.

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelance reporter. He’ll talk about The Witcher all day.