Thousands are playing Valve’s unrevealed shooter Deadlock, a blend of Team Fortress 2 and Dota with Bioshocky skyrails

Valve’s third-person hero shooter Deadlock hasn’t been officially revealed yet, but thousands of you unscrupulous devils have been playing it thanks to stolen development builds. Speculation abounds that these “leaks”, coupled with Valve’s obstinate silence about it, are a calculated publisher psi-op. Are they deliberately letting people play the game early so as to temper the marketing rollout in some way? Perhaps handle any early player criticism under cover of non-announcement? It seems unlikely, but as other writers have pointed out, this is Valve, unaccountable elder god of PC gaming. I guess we should be thankful it isn’t another Half-Life tease.

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Playstation Store lists Red Dead Redemption as “now on PC for the first time ever”

Well, root my toots. Unless you’re Australian, in which case don’t do that. Just enjoy the now very much confirmed-looking release of the original Red Dead Redemption on PC. That’s according to a listing on the PlayStation Store, which contains the currently inaccurate but tantalising phrase “now on PC for the first time ever.”

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Shadows Of Doubt emerges from the wet alleyway of early access with 1.0 release next month

In Shadows Of Doubt you can fall from the roof of a corporate office building during a routine investigation, shatter all the bones in your frail detective body, wake up in a clinic fully healed, and then sprint out the door without paying your sky-high hospital bills while the clinic’s auto-turret shoots at you for doing a medical dine and dash. The early access game is on our best immersive sims list for a reason, you know, and now it has an autumn release date for the final version, along with a new trailer.

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Doom modders are annoyed at the “chum-bucket” of wrongly credited mods in the latest Doom remaster

Last week, Bethesda released a remastered edition of Doom and Doom II on Steam, with lots of extra episodes and improvements. One of these new features is a built-in browser for mods, and support for many existing mods that previously required a different version of the game. Basically, lots of good fan-made mods are now playable on the Steam version of ye olde Doom. That’s neat! Ah, but there is some demon excrement on the health pack, so to speak. The mod browser lacks moderation and lets people upload the work of others with their own name pinned as the author. That’s prompted one level designer to call it “a massive breach of trust and violation of norms the Doom community has done its best to hold to for those 30 years.”

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PUBG owner Krafton have acquired Tango Gameworks and the Hi-Fi Rush IP

Tango Gameworks are back from the dead. The Hi-Fi Rush studio have been acquired – alongside the IP for future games in the rhythm action series – by South Korean company Krafton, who also own PUBG Studios and Striking Distance, among others. “This strategic move will include the rights to Tango Gameworks’ acclaimed IP, Hi-Fi Rush,” Krafton said in a statement today. I particularly enjoy the hand-rubbing, grinning use of the word ‘strategic’ here. Great news though.

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What’s on your bookshelf?: Destiny 2 and Dishonored narrative designer Hazel Monforton

Hello reader who is also a reader, and welcome back to Booked For The Week – our regular Sunday chat with a selection of cool industry folks about books! This week, I’ve been half reading in the garden and half staring in awe at my Kindle’s paperwhite doohickey and it’s ability to stay readable in searing sunbeams. I’m tempted to look up how it works but I don’t want to find out it’s made from the luminous, genetically-engineered husks of the workers that drop dead from dehydration at the fulfilment centers or something. To help distract me with yet more books, it’s Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider writer and Destiny 2 senior narrative designer, Dr. Hazel Monforton! Cheers Hazel! Mind if we have a nose at your bookshelf?

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Here’s a free miniature town-builder with trams from the creator of Viewfinder

Sometimes I want to play a video game, and sometimes I just want to assemble a quiet little Dutch town with iron bridges, fountains and dinky trams bustling about like bumble bees. The project in question is Tramstertram. Aside from being a terrifying feat of punmanship, it’s a browser-based building toy from Matt Stark, creator of the really rather lovely Viewfinder.

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Control 2, Condor and the Max Payne remakes are shaping up just fine, say Remedy

The weekend bears down on us like a host of hissing, barrel-throwing psychics, but there is yet time for some brief updates on Remedy’s Control 2, which Remedy say is coming along nicely. The same is apparently true of the multiplayer Control spin-off Project Condor and the Max Payne 1 & 2 remakes, on which Remedy are collaborating with GTA and Max Payne 3 developers Rockstar.

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The Crush House review: sassiety of the spectacle

When I zoom the camera on Alex’s momentarily untensed face while he’s dozing by the pool, it’s not because I’m a creep. When I pursue Ayo and Dija around the garden, keeping their feet and butts in shot as they belittle each other, it’s not because I’m a busybody and a lech. And when I pan to the lighthouse piercing the sunset beyond the security spikes, it’s not out of any feeling of wonder, or even curiosity about possible escape routes. Please understand: I do not see these people, these objects at all, just the boneless, faceless traces they leave upon my own servitude to the lens.

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Splitgate 2 will add bum slides and time-altering bubbles to its portal-hopping shootsing

The first Splitgate was a cracker mash-up of Halo multiplayer gunfights and Portal‘s nifty spacetime windows. It was a gimmick that made flanking fun again, at least until you died to a distant rifle that was right next to you all along. Its sequel, Splitgate 2 is continuing that gimmick but is also sprucing up the free-to-play arena shooter with a few modern additions, like bum-sliding around corners and big deployable bubbles called “time domes” that slow down your enemies yet speed up your allies. All this and more comes from a gameplay trailer that went up yesterday.

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