During his tenure as the foremost newsperson of the 1980s, Atari’s Paperboy faced many grievous challenges – squabbling drunks, swarms of bees, the actual Grim Reaper – and yet, day after day he answered the noble call of journalism, lashing his basket to his doughty BMX and daring the treacherously oblique suburbs of Reaganite America.
Speaking as both a news editor and a former paperboy, who broke his mind and body hauling obese Sunday editions to the millionaire houses at the top of the valley, Paperboy is my role model. Or he would be if my role model weren’t actually Steven Spielberg’s Freakazoid. Paperboy’s heyday has long since passed into history, however, and the business of journalism has changed beyond recognition. People don’t read newspapers anymore, they just eat pizza. This, at least, is the condensed analysis offered by Food Boy, which launched this week on Steam.