In the picturesque Regency town of Leamington Spa, a debutante has entered the local high society of AAA game developers. Named Maverick Games, it’s led by the former director of Forza Horizon 5 – a creative risk-taker named Mike Brown. “Games are made in a very certain way that brings with it real security,” Brown told in January. “We know that if we do these things in a row, we will hit this date and the game will come out. I think there are other ways where you can still hit that date, but also do a load of new things on the way.”
One of the new things Maverick is backing is Jamie Brittain, lead writer on the studio’s unannounced open world game. Brittain has never worked on a videogame before. Yet any millennial who grew up in the UK will undoubtedly be familiar with Skins, the epochal teen drama he co-created with his dad, Bryan Elsley.