I do love a game that tells you upfront what it’s about while making nary a lick of sense, and visual novel Stop Burying Me Alive, Beautiful is certainly that. You are, indeed, being buried alive. The person burying you is your girlfriend, who waves aside your protests that you aren’t dead yet, pointing out that this is exactly what a dead person would say if they were trying to avoid being buried. Can’t fault the logic.
Click the downward arrow below the animated image of your girlfriend burying you alive and you’ll discover a murky fungal blackscreen where cartoon rats periodically try to eat you, unless you click to get rid of them. Below that, there’s a kind of Alice in Wonderland-style alcove in which a tousled lady with a rat on her shoulder reassures you that being buried alive ain’t so bad. As she points out, “underground is like, the only place to escape capitalism, plus it’s nice and cool”. Again, I can’t fault the logic. Then she offers to play cards with you. The cards in question have rats doodled on them, including a wonderfully festive rodent Joker. There is passing mention of a “rat god”.