Turn-based strategy game Bonaparte wants to redo the French Revolution, but this time with mechs

Everything I know about the French Revolution has hitherto come from two literary works: Hilary Mantel’s excellent doorstopper A Place Of Greater Safety, and Kate Beaton’s webcomics. Neither Mantel nor Beaton mention mechs, which are a core feature of Studio Imugi’s new “ideology driven” turn-based strategy game Bonaparte: A Mechanized Revolution. I, for one, feel like I’ve been grossly ill-informed. Kate, Hilary – I’ve been quoting you for years at parties and it seems like all this time, people have been silently judging me for my ignorance of the role giant clockwork soldiers played in the fall of the Bastille.

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Glamtime never ends in Infinity Nikki, the open world dress-up game from Zelda talent

Take the ballroom scene from Disney’s Beauty And The Beast, swap the wailing utensils for an army of chibi cats, endow Belle with low-key Doctor Manhattan-grade powers of matter transformation, and you’re perhaps beginning to approximate the experience of Infinity Nikki – an open world dress-up adventure from Singapore-based Infold and former Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild developer Kentaro Tominaga.

Trailered this week at Gamescom 2024, it’s the fifth installment in the hitherto mobile-focussed Nikki series and it’s seemingly going down a storm, with over 12 million pre-registrations so far (albeit, many of them motivated by the prospect of collectively unlocked in-game bonuses). It’s also a free-to-play game, and I have the usual unanswered questions about currencies and gacha, but I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for the minute, because I have not spent nearly enough of my life considering the tactical applications of ballgowns. Here’s that trailer.

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Reignbreaker is an anti-establishment roguelike that’s clearly pro-Hades

A few months back, I enjoyed lurking a conversation on the RPS Discord about the proliferation of cyberpunk/steampunk/atompunk/what-have-you-punk variants and how most of them in fact lack the rebelliousness and counter-counter elements that punk actually entails. That discussion was back on my mind as I sat down to play Reignbreaker, a new action-roguelike from Studio Fizbin, at Gamescom 2024 – slightly wary of its self-described medievalpunk styling. However! Turns out you’re trying to kill the queen. Yep, that’s, uh, that’s pretty punk.

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Here’s an open world zombie survival game set in medieval…. Birmingham?

I can guarantee you that a zombie survival game called God Save Birmingham wasn’t on your “2024 Video Game Announcements” bingo card. It takes place in 14th century England, and tasks you with fending off the rampant zombie hordes of a populace who’ve succumbed to a mysterious case of reanimation. Perhaps the cause is that there’s no Maccies or TK Maxx at the local Bull Ring yet.

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Black Myth: Wukong needs an Assassin’s Creed-style discovery mode

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Odyssey, and Origins all have one thing in common: they’ve got a Discovery mode, which replaces murdering with learning. You can, quite literally, go on tours curated by historians around each of the game’s respective maps. Instead of diving off a Sphinx and plunging your hidden blade into someone’s spinal column, you can look up at the Sphinx and read a paragraph on its significance. Maybe view an actual, real life bit of ancient Egypt from an actual real life museum collection in-game. Perhaps embody an Anglo-Saxon lad in Valhalla, instead, and like, cook up some nettle soup having just got a fresh “Friar Tuck” at the local hair choppers (no guarantees on this last bit).

This is all to say that Black Myth: Wukong deserves such a mode, too. There were so many times throughout my review time where I stopped and stared and wondered as to something’s meaning. Not only in the architecture, but in the characters, too. So here I am with a proposition: how about instead of thwacking things with my staff, I can use it as a walking stick and point it at things I want to learn about.

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Ubisoft announce new back-to-roots Heroes of Might & Magic game with the Iratus devs in charge

Ubisoft have announced Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era, a fresh instalment in the exceedingly olden turn-based strategy RPG series, which began life under New World Computing in 1984. The new game will “return to the world of Enroth and the origins of the legendary saga”, inviting “both veterans and new players” to go on a quest to Jadame, “a mysterious continent in turmoil”. Expect new factions, biomes and creatures, together with such M&M standbys as castle management, army clashes, hex-based maps, and, who knows, maybe some heroes.

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I’m rooting for you Squirrel With A Gun, but you still won’t explain yourself

It is perhaps deeply ungrateful of me that, when presented with the squirrel with a gun of Squirrel With A Gun, my immediate reaction is to thrust out my bowl like a ballsy victorian urchin and ask for additional squirrel information. It’s not that developer Dee Dee Creations haven’t shown off the game in action. It’s just that I find myself rooting so hard for this not to just be a vapid bit of meme-ware that I’m getting more concerned as we rapidly approach its 29th August release.

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New theme park manager Mars Attracts is the oddest bit of IP necromancy I’ve seen in quite some time

I shouldn’t be too surprised really. If a park sim based on Tim Burton’s 1996 B-Movie homage Mars Attacks wasn’t on my bingo card, it’s because I’ve recently binned it and replaced it with a bobble head that simply nods in amused acceptance at whatever videogames decide to do next. And conceptually, Jurassic World Evolution with captive humans instead of dinos isn’t not a potential winner, is it? Still, I was mildly bemused to learn that Mars Attracts, coming sometime next year, is the film’s first licensed game. But then I realised that I’d never thought to check before, which might go some way to explaining the lack of them. Do you reckon they did the pun then worked backwards from there? Respectable, honestly.

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