This free Steam tycoon prologue isn’t quite Dungeon Keeper, but I’m not complaining

Well, would you look at that! I just got done pining for the merest whiff of Dungeon Keeper when what should appear on Steam but a free prologue for delightful voxel-arty management sim Dungeon Tycoon. I’m using the word ‘appear’ because, following yet more industry layoffs yesterday, I’m choosing to adopt the brain of an idiot as to shield myself from the crushing reality of material conditions. So, anyway, the magical game goblins whacked the demo on Steam, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. Thanks, adequately compensated and unionised gobbos!

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Destiny creators Bungie lay off 220 people and form new studio within Sony to stave off financial ruin

Destiny and Marathon developers Bungie are laying off 220 people – around 17% of their total workforce – as studio heads try to offset a financial crisis brought on by “overly ambitious” expansion, individual project “misfires”, and a wider economic downturn in 2023. Bungie are also transferring a further 155 roles to parent company Sony Interactive Entertainment, and are spinning out an untitled incubation project – an “action game set in a brand-new science-fantasy universe” – to form a new PlayStation studio.

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Promise Mascot Agency gets deep dive trailer, continues to be 2025’s most tantalising open world game

I don’t think I’m capable of rivalling Nic’s enthusiasm for Promise Mascot Agency, the new open world game from Paradise Killer devs Kaizen Game Works, so I’ll settle for saying “EEEEE”. The developers have just released a nine-minute explainer video, which teems with scenes of gimp suits, winged vans, rocket-propelled pinkies, vicious card battles against small excited dogs, and a surprisingly in-depth management component. There are bits that make me think of Batman: Arkham City, and bits that make me think of Pathologic, and bits that make me think of Yakuza – a combination fit to burst the brain. Quick, before your brain bursts, watch the video for yourself below.

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Post-Soviet horror trinket Kletka is an endless descent in an elevator that wants to eat you

Every time I step out of an elevator, I accelerate wildly in case the elevator falls without warning and chops me in half, leaving the frontal and, all things considered, inferior portion of my body swaying in place for a second before collapsing in a cloud of bisected bone and organ. Don’t laugh: I know you do this too. Kletka isn’t helping: created by in404, it’s a horror scavenging game reminiscent of Lethal Company and Golden Light, in which you ponderously plummet through the layers of an “endless” post-Soviet Gigastructure, scrounging fuel, parts and provender for an elevator that wants to eat you.

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GTA 6 may “disappoint” players hoping for a technological “jump”, says former Rockstar North tech director

While “blown away” by the beach scenes in the first GTA 6 trailer, former Rockstar North technical director Obbe Vermeij thinks the forthcoming open worlder might underwhelm players hoping for a palpable technological update on GTA 5, which has been reworked and re-released extensively since its 2013 launch. This has less to do with GTA in itself, Vermeij says, than with the fact that changes in computing capacity today simply aren’t as dramatic as in the days of the very first PlayStation. It’s becoming rare, he suggests, that you see a “jump” akin to GTA going 3D.

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Dome Keeper just got a massive update that ups replayability and helps generate better worlds

Katharine (RPS in peace) thought Dome Keeper’s blend of tower defence and mining was both “meditative” and “perfectly formed” in her review. So it comes as great news, then, that the devs have somehow taken that perfect dome, expanded it and polished it to an even greater sheen. We’re talking about new guild assignments, new gadgets, better world generation, a new world, new monsters. The list is enormous and designed expressly around improved replayability – take that, Las Vegas Dome.

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The Great Fluctus is No Man’s Sky with beans, slug milk, alien volleyball, egg arguments, and a massive flying frog

In case you skipped the headline, I’ll repeat myself. Among the wonderful sights contained in space-poking adventure game The Great Fluctus are: beans, slug milk, alien volleyball, egg arguments, and massive frog. Additional screenshots suggest this frog later acquires wings. Like a captive Generation Game host, I am helpless but to shout out more incredible sights as they flutter past on the conveyor belt of pure flippin’ videogame before me. It’s got dance parties with horrible gorilla aliens. It’s got building, namely the Statue Of Liberty out of goop, just as George Washington’s goop clone intended. It’s also got just sitting on a bench, enjoying some lovely serene space scenery. Feast your famished face on the trailer.

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