Feature: The Stunning Visual Delights Of ‘El Shaddai’, Inspired By Apple iPod Commercials

“…bringing El Shaddai to a new audience on the Nintendo Switch is exciting”.

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is one of the most underappreciated gems of the PS3/Xbox 360 era. That’s what people who’ve played the unusual action platformer, released back in 2011, will tell you.

One look at El Shaddai — the only game developed by Ignition Tokyo before it was shit down just before the game’s 2011 release — reveals a stunningly beautiful world bursting with light and colour. Visually, it captured people’s attention. However, while the game sold almost 100,000 units by the end of 2011 in Japan, it failed to make a splash anywhere else in the world.

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Guide: Best Super Smash Bros. Games Of All Time

What’s the ultimate Super Smash Bros., bro?

Sunday 21st January 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of Super Smash Bros. on N64 and the series at large. To celebrate a quarter century of Smash, we’re republishing this reader-ranked list of every game in the series.

This list is governed by each game’s User Rating on the site, which means it’s subject to real-time change. So, if you haven’t rated the games below, feel free to do so now and potentially influence the order, even after publication…

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Poll: Box Art Brawl: Metroid


Get out your very best magnifying glass, folks – it’s time to analyse some artwork in the latest edition of Box Art Brawl!

We’ve got a serious big-hitter for you this week, but before we get cracking, let’s take a look at how things panned out last time. We looked at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project for the NES, pitting North America against Japan in a classic duel. North America

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Reminder: The New Xenoblade Chronicles 3 amiibo Are Out This Week

Have you added them to your collection?

Nintendo’s amiibo line is still a thing in 2024, with the first releases of the year arriving earlier this week.

In case you did miss it, it’s a double pack featuring the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 protagonist Noah and Mio. They’re available now for $39.99 / £34.99 and will unlock some special clothing items in-game. The latest Xenoblade Chronicles update (Version 2.2.0) also allows players to unlock this content in the game without the amiibo.

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Fire Emblem Engage Artist Celebrates First Anniversary With New Artwork

“I am happy that so many people have played our game”.

While a lot of the focus last year was on the new Zelda and Mario games, there were plenty of other first-party releases. This includes the tactical RPG Fire Emblem Engage, which this week celebrates its first anniversary.

Yes, it’s already a year old! To celebrate, artist and illustrator Mika Pikazo has shared some new artwork in the form of a portrait of Veyle. Pikazo is the same character artist involved in the design of the game’s protagonist, Alear.

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Talking Point: Which Feature From Each Smash Bros. Game Should Make A Return?

Smash Ultimate… Ultimate?

The Super Smash Bros. franchise has come a long way since the original launched 25 years ago in 1999. Yes, you read that right — the original Super Smash Bros. is 25 years old tomorrow, 21st January.

If we look at the character roster for a start, we began with a humble offering of 12 playable fighters in Super Smash Bros. for the N64 before this ballooned into a frankly insane total of 89 in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (DLC characters included).

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Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 20th)

What’s on the cards for you?

Welcome to another edition of What Are You Playing? where we all get to chat about our gaming plans for the weekend!

Before we get into that good stuff though, let’s take a look at what went down in Nintendo land this week. We were treated to the release of two new games in the NSO GBA library as Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age joined the service. We also got excited to see that Ace Combat 7 will be flying over to Switch, which cheered us up following the news that GAME will be ending its trade-in programme.

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LEGO Zelda ‘Deku Tree’ Set Rumours Resurface Online

Tread carefully, Link.

Early last year, there was a rumour going around about LEGO working on a Legend of Zelda ‘Deku Tree’ set. Now, in an update, the well-known Lego leaker and Instagram user ‘1414falconfan’ is claiming the set will arrive this September and will contain 2,500 pieces.

The rumour stems from a marketing survey about several future LEGO projects. The original story also suggested this same set could be a 2-in-1 build based on the tree’s appearance in Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild.

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Pokémon Fans Set Their Sights On Palworld’s Monster Designs

“It’s not even subtle about its rip-offs”.

The ‘Pokémon-with-guns’ game Palworld launched on Xbox, PC and Game Pass yesterday and while it’s already surpassed one million sales, it’s also making headlines for certain other reasons…

As highlighted by IGN, some Pokémon fans have taken to social media and other parts of the internet to share the “similarities” between Palworld monster designs and Nintendo’s famous franchise, claiming it’s “not a coincidence” and accusing certain ‘Pals’ of being blatant “rip-off” of Pokémon designs.

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