Overwatch 2 Is Getting a Cowboy Bebop Collaboration Next Week

Today, Blizzard revealed a stylish trailer for Overwatch 2’s next big crossover collaboration event with none other than the fan-favorite 90’s anime series, Cowboy Bebop. The special collaboration will launch as a part of Overwatch 2 Season 9 on March 12.

In typical Overwatch fashion, the Cowboy Bebop collaboration trailer spoofs animation studio Sunrise anime’s iconic opening animated sequence and opening theme song “Tank” by Yoko Kanno. In it, we see Cassidy as the bebop’s laissez-faire bounty hunter, Spike Spiegel; Ashe as its femme fatale, Faye Valentine; Mauga as the gruff ex-cop, Jet Black; Wrecking Ball as the super-smart hound, Ein; and Sombra as the crew’s rambunctious hacker, Ed.

Blizzard first revealed a Cowboy Bebop collab was on the horizon at the butt-end of its Season 9 trailer back in February. The upcoming collab marks the second time the free-to-play hero shooter has done an anime-themed crossover event. In fact, around this time last year, Overwatch 2 launched its One Punch Man collaboration. Outside of its two anime collabs, Overwatch 2’s most recent big crossover was with the K-Pop group Le Sserafim.

While Blizzard has yet to reveal whether or not the Cowboy Bebop collab will see the addition of a new limited-time game mode like its One Punch Man and Le Sserafim event, the collab trailer and YouTube description text tease the Overwatch heroes prepping for some sort of train heist.

Arguably, one of the main things on the backs of diehard Overwatch 2 players’ minds will be how much its yet-to-be-seen exclusive anime skins will cost and if it’ll be locked behind a steep season pass bundle like its contentious $40 Diablo IV collab. The answers to these questions will likely all come to light when Overwatch 2 Season 9 launches next week.

Isaiah Colbert is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow them on Twitter @ShinEyeZehUhh

South Park: Snow Day! Preview: Comedy Co-Op With a Side of Bullshit and Farts

The three most important things to know about South Park: Snow Day are 1) that it’s a roguelike-inspired battle game rather than an RPG, 2) it’s 3D rather than 2D, and 3) the South Park TV show supplied over 50 different fart sound effects for use in the game. We went hands-on with the multiplayer spin-off ahead of its March 26 release and, full disclosure, got our asses handed to us by Stan and his elves.

Head into the snowy landscapes of the South Park streets and the reason for the 3D upgrade is obvious, allowing for the type of chaotic action that the previous South Park games could only dream of. Playing as New Kid, you can team up with three friends, or bots if you have social anxiety, to do Hades-like runs through different areas of the town, taking on waves of enemies and the odd boss battle with a combination of a melee weapon, ranged weapon, two special powers – like Hurry-Cane that grants a whirlwind attack – and the brilliantly named Bullshit powers. These will reset every run, but any character perks you’ve bought with Dark Matter and character cosmetics will persist. Think screaming at your friend for a health totem (a bag of Cheesy Poofs tied to a stick) as Princess Kenny tries to charm you with weaponized hearts, or levitating through the power of farts to get away from a cluster of foes. It’s chaos, all punctuated with Cartman calling you out when you suck, and the sound of little kids (voiced by actual children) cussing and shouting as the battle.

The only yellow snow spots in the fun drift were that the movement had a sort of floaty feeling that took me a while to get used to, and as a result I couldn’t take advantage of the higher ground or trampoline pads without risking missing my target. The bosses we saw were tough too, Stan – as his elf warrior alter ego – had a vicious thorny vine attack that meant I just couldn’t get near him. They’re the kind of issues that fade away when you’ve had more than a few hours with a game, but time will tell if my Cartman-esque temper can handle it.

Snow much fun

Underneath the simple premise, four players, rouge-like runs, and arenas packed with areas to gain the advantage, there’s an extra level of depth – all delivered with biting South Park wit. The Bullshit powers are a great twist on any kid’s tendency to start making up spurious rules when they’re playing any kind of pretend game. In Snow Day that scenario is managed with Bullshit cards that bestow hugely OP but seriously rationed powers on your character. Overseen by Paladin Butters, you get to choose one upgrade card and one Bullshit card before every run. There’s one BS card you can use twice that gives you laser eyes, or the “Radioactive God” BS card that has three uses and makes your team emit fumes to gross out your enemies. To mix things up even more, Henrietta the Goth can be found around the levels with a set of Tarot cards that will let you tweak the way your upgrades for that run work. Basically, it’s going to be hard to make a run feel the same way twice, even if you’re really trying. As someone who is a tank that likes to hit things with melee weapons, the Bullshit cards feel like a win for me. It’s easy for roguelikes to get a bit samey when you’re just bashing everything in sight, but it’s impossible to get bored of that when you know you’ve got the power to call up a meteor storm or an actual vampire in your back pocket. The cards themselves look freaking neat too, and if there was an IRL physical version I’d happily dip into my collectibles fund for them.

As you make it through Snow Day there are three types of currency to collect: toilet paper, Dark Matter, and PP. Apart from its usual uses, in South Park: Snow Day toilet paper can be spent to beef up the power of your upgrade cards or re-roll your choices, with Jimmy the Bard as your friendly shopkeeper. Platinum Pieces have to be earned through gameplay progression and conquering certain challenges but will unlock new cosmetics and emotes to keep your New Kid looking fresh. And Dark Matter – a strange substance somehow tied to the endless blizzard affecting the town – is the most important of the three. It’s what you’ll use between runs to buy perks and jack up your speed, stamina, health, and strength stats. I’m not a careful player in any gaming scenario so the fact that Dark Matter perks I’ve bought (and cosmetics like chin balls) persist between runs is important, and can stop repeated attempts at a level feeling like a hard day at the office.

Stay frosty

The setup could easily have made for a classic South Park episode. Arctic conditions mean the kids get time off school to stage Dungeons and Dragons-style battles, but as the snow drags on and you fight through the campaign you’ll find that this is no ordinary weather event. While a lot of the characters like Professor Chaos and Wizard Cartman might be familiar from Stick of Truth and The Fractured but Whole, Snow Day swaps the narrative heft of the RPG for a combat caper you can play over and over again with friends. That doesn’t mean you won’t get plenty of South Park laughs as you maul your enemies, but think of the campaign as more of an episode of the show, rather than a movie like the aforementioned RPGs. The plan is for more content to be added over time, too, something that the structure of the RPGs made difficult, but here presents the compelling opportunity for the game to reflect what’s happening in the TV show. I’d love to see the same crazy, up-to-the-minute cultural comedy find a way into the game, the right care and attention could keep Snow Day feeling fresh long after you’ve burned through the main storyline.

As for that new look, yes Cartman has more junk in his trunk, but after five minutes it just looks normal, and you’ll be too busy dodging swipes from a weaponized road sign to build up any South Park Purist rage about it. In some sort of beautiful, poop joke-fuelled meta-universe it kind of feels like the sort of game Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan would get obsessed with. Its longevity won’t become clear until the game is released on March 26, but right now we can all be safe in the knowledge that the South Park soul lives on in Snow Day.

Rachel Weber is IGN’s Managing Editor.

Spider-Man 2 Patch 1.002.000 Adds New Game+, Mission Replay, New Suits, and More.

Insomniac Games has released the hotly anticipated New Game+ update for PlayStation 5 exclusive Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and it adds a number of significant new features to the game.

Patch 1.002.000, out now, adds the aforementioned New Game+ as well as Mission Replay and time of day options. Insomniac has also added new accessibility options, including Audio Descriptions and Screen Reader, both of which are localized in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish (LATAM/Spain), and Japanese.

Fans will be particularly interested in the New Game+ features, which include Ultimate Levels and their associated story Symbiote suit styles, and a new trophy for completing the story in NG+. There are new suits for Peter and Miles, too, and a raft of improvements and fixes across the board.

Spider-Man 2 launched in October last year and has sold 10 million copies so far. Thoughts have already turned to what’s next from Insomniac, which recently suffered layoffs as part of mass cuts at Sony Interactive Entertainment.

While Insomniac has a Wolverine game in the works, it seems likely it will also release a Marvel’s Spider-Man spinoff similar in scope to the hugely successful Miles Morales standalone, with Venom the potential focus. To find out how Insomniac has set up its next sequel, check out IGN’s Spider-Man 2 ending explained.

Spider-Man 2 Update 1.002.000 Patch Notes:


New Game+ (NG+) Features

  • Ultimate Levels: Go beyond the base game level cap in NG+
    • Note: Ultimate Levels are NOT tied to any difficulty
  • Symbiote Suit Styles: Unlock new story symbiote suit styles via Ultimate Level progression
  • Golden Gadget Styles: Upgrade your gadgets with exclusive Golden looks
  • Suit Tech Fusion: Unlock both perks in a shared Suit Tech slot
  • PlayStation Trophy Unlock a new trophy for completing the story in NG+

Additional Features

  • Mission Replay: Replay *that* mission (and many others) as much as you’d like now
  • Time of Day: Change the time of day in the post-game via ‘Gameplay’ settings
  • Tendril Colors: Swap symbiote tendril color in the post-game via ‘Gameplay’ settings
  • Photo Mode – Action Figure Mode: Scale down characters for photo opportunities
  • Photo Mode – Stickers: Decorate your photos with new stickers
  • Hellfire Gala Suits: Added two new suits inspired by the Hellfire Gala designs
  • Gameheads Fly N’ Fresh Suit Pack: Two new suits for Peter and Miles, plus Photo Mode content
    • Available via purchase, official details here


  • Audio Descriptions: A narrator will describe key visuals and actions during cinematics
    • Sub Option: Volume Slider
  • Screen Reader: Audio narration relaying text across menus, tutorials, and control hints
    • Sub Options: Volume Slider, Repeat Delay Time, Repeat Delay Scale
  • Mono Audio: Combine all audio into a singular output
  • Captions: Display captions for important in-game sounds during cinematics and some gameplay
    • Sub options: Size, Color, Background Color, Background Opacity
  • In-World Text Translations: Enable text boxes to show translated in-world text
  • High Contrast Outlines: Outline friendlies and enemies with specific High Contrast colors
    • High Contrast Outlines Friendly
    • High Contrast Outlines Enemy
  • High Contrast Presets: Access preset High Contrast settings for streamlined use
  • Center Dot Color: Adjust the color of the center dot on screen
  • Aim Arc Color: Adjust the color of the arc that displays during certain moments when aiming
  • Target Arc Color: Change the color of the arc indicator when throwing certain items on target
  • Motion Sensor Aiming: Aim using the DualSense Controller’s motion sensors
    • Sub Options include: Calibration & Sensitivity
  • UI Holds: Switch UI holds to toggle
  • Touch Pad in Combat: Disable the Touch Pad during combat to prevent accidental presses



  • General improvements to game stability
  • Addressed global crashing and freezing issues that may occur during cutscenes and/or gameplay
  • Addressed global visual issues that may occur during cutscenes and/or gameplay
  • Addressed issues where hiding HUD would prevent the next mission from spawning
  • Addressed issues where players wouldn’t be able to progress certain tutorials or sections
  • Addressed an issue where Web Wings would automatically deploy if tutorials are set to off
  • Addressed an issue where trick animations would reset during dives
  • Addressed issues relating to incorrect player spawns after failing or restarting checkpoint
  • Updated Webbed Suit textures
  • Addressed clipping and artifact issues with some suit lenses
  • Improved deformation across several suits
  • Various additional fixes across the game


  • Made several improvements and fixes to High Contrast settings
    • Addressed visibility issues across several enemy types, attacks, puzzles, and interactable objects
  • Added the pause menu option to skip Adaptive Trigger minigames, joining previously included features such as:
    • Turning off Adaptive Triggers via PS5 console settings to automatically skips these puzzles
    • QTE Autocomplete can automatically skip these puzzles
  • Made improvements and fixes to Toggles
    • Enabling Swing/Parkour toggle adds tap on/off functionality for Spider-Bot Jump Jets
    • Enabling Swing/Parkour toggle adds functionality for MJ to navigate squeeze-throughs automatically
    • Toggle icons display properly when restarting the game
    • Addressed an issue where tutorials would interfere with Swing/Parkour toggle functionality
    • Addressed an issue where Swing/Parkour wouldn’t enable fast enough when sprinting as MJ
    • Addressed issues with Aim Mode toggle with MJ’s lure
  • Addressed issues with Friendly Neighborhood Challenge Level
    • Symbiote nests and tanker crimes can no longer be failed
  • Made several improvements to Look at Waypoint across several missions in the game
  • Added Point of Interest (POI) Audio Indicator
    • This feature emits audio feedback ticking when Spider-Senses are used and there is a POI on the screen to aid in judging distance, height, and occlusion
  • Made several improvements to DualSense haptics
    • When the Haptics setting is set to Functional and the POI Audio Indicator is enabled, the system includes an additional haptic component for the waypoints.
    • Added distinct haptics for Abilities and Gadgets ready with Functional Haptics turned on
    • Added hot/cold haptics when doing object navigations with Functional Haptics turned on
    • Added haptic feedback when interact prompt is on screen
    • Adjusted haptics across different puzzles and combat scenarios in the game
    • Toned down damage received haptic a bit.
  • Selected Shortcuts now display in the first boot menu
  • Added the ability to enable Screen Reader in the first boot menu via Square button press
  • Fixed resolution and other oddities when setting Button Prompt Size to Largest
  • If enabled, Auto-Heal can save the player from fall damage death if the player has a full Focus bar

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at wesley_yinpoole@ign.com or confidentially at wyp100@proton.me.

Helldivers 2 Players Descend Upon Planet Tien Kwan in Bid to Unlock Mechs

The Helldivers 2 galactic war has taken another turn, as it always promised to, this time seemingly locking the release of mechs behind the liberation of a planet.

A tweet from developer Arrowhead was all it took for hundreds of thousands of players to descend upon planet Tien Kwan in the hope that its liberation would unlock the hotly anticipated exo suits.

“THIS IS NOT A DRILL!” the tweet reads. “Our factories are under attack, halting all output. Helldivers have been deployed to liberate Tien Kwan!”

A fresh in-game message signaling a new Major Order fleshes out this call to arms. It seems the Automatons have captured the planet solely responsible for the manufacture of the mechs (that was your first mistake, Super Earth), so Helldivers must liberate it immediately.

The wording of the message suggests that if the Helldivers 2 community fails this Major Order, the release of mechs will be delayed. The Major Order expires in 70 hours from the publication of this article (the early hours of Sunday, March 10).

It is unclear if mechs will be released then, or as soon as the planet hits 100% liberation status. But what is clear is that the Helldivers 2 community is answering the call — already over 100,000 players and rising are fighting back against the Automatons on Tien Kwan.

This is all part of Helldivers 2’s eye-catching galactic war, which is steered by a Dungeons & Dragons style game master called Joel. This latest development is another clever twist in the ongoing meta narrative that underpins Helldivers 2’s gameplay. What happens if the community fails the Major Order? Joel wouldn’t withhold mechs, right? RIGHT?

Meanwhile, Arrowhead just unveiled Helldivers 2’s upcoming premium Warbond, dubbed Cutting Edge. It includes new weapons, new armor sets, new capes, and new emotes.

There’s a lot happening in the world of Helldivers 2, including a recent new strategy that involves hugging, and a controversial balance patch that nerfed the game’s best loadout. Helldivers 2 has become one of the surprise hits of 2024 since launching in February, topping the charts on Steam and reportedly selling around three million copies. According to at least one analyst, it’s still growing. Check out IGN’s Helldivers 2 review to find out why it’s going down so well, as well as the best loadouts.

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at wesley_yinpoole@ign.com or confidentially at wyp100@proton.me.

Princess Peach: Showtime Gets Free Nintendo Switch eShop Demo

Nintendo has released a free demo for upcoming adventure game Princess Peach: Showtime on the Nintendo Switch eShop.

Fans can now download the demo, which allows them to sample two of the transformations Princess Peach embodies in the full game: Swordfighter Peach, which turns gameplay into a hack ‘n slash, and Patissiere Peach, which offers a minigame-style experience where players must stack carts with cookies and decorate big cakes.

“In Princess Peach: Showtime, Peach and her retinue of Toads battle to ‘save the play’ after the Grape and the Sour Bunch disrupt a show at the Sparkle Theater,” the official synopsis reads. The full game arrives March 22, meaning fans have a couple of weeks to try the demo before committing to the full game.

The full Princess Peach: Showtime comes with many more transformations such as Ninja Peach, Figure Skater Peach, and more. Each completely changes the style of gameplay on offer, as Peach works her way through different levels to overcome the Grape and the Sour Bunch.

In our preview of the game, IGN said: “Princess Peach: Showtime is wholly its own thing, decoupled from the traditional Mario game entirely, and throughout our time with it we found ourselves really impressed with how different and special each stage looked and felt.”

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelance reporter. He’ll talk about The Witcher all day.

As Helldivers 2 Players Digest Dramatic Nerfs, Dev Says ‘Rely on Your Stratagems’ to Deal With Tough Enemies

It’s been a dramatic 24 hours for Helldivers 2 players after the game’s first balance patch set the cat among the pigeons with its nerf to the best loadout.

Patch 01.000.100 nerfs the Breaker, Railgun, and Shield Generator Backpack, three items considered essential to higher difficulty play and Helldivers 2’s best loadouts. But it also buffs weaker weapons and stratagems, including the Flamethrower (more on that later), Laser Cannon, Punisher, and the 380mm and 120mm Orbital Barrages.

It’s the nerfs to the Breaker, Railgun, and Shield Generator Backpack that have sparked the most vociferous discussion within the Helldivers 2 community, given their popularity. On higher difficulties, Helldivers 2 throws an often overwhelming number of powerful enemies at you, many of which require hard-hitting weapons and stratagems to deal with. The Railgun in particular was a popular option for taking on Helldivers 2’s toughest enemies, such as the heavily armored Bile Titan and Charger.

Developer Arrowhead had already discussed the thinking behind these changes, admitting ‘having your favorite toy nerfed absolutely sucks’, but called on players to give the nerfed items a chance. Now it’s gone into more detail in a blog post by Patrik Lasota, the designer on the first Helldivers and currently Head of Product Testing at Arrowhead.

In discussing the nerf to the Breaker, a shotgun considered the best primary weapon in the game, Lasota commented on primary weapons in general, revealing that their lack of power and inability to deal with all the enemies is entirely intentional.

“This is very much intentional, you need to rely on your stratagems, and the stratagems of your team to deal with all the enemies effectively,” Lasota said. “Either by Eagle Airstrikes, Orbitals, Support Weapons, or Turrets, some of your loadout/team should be tailoring their loadout to killing the weaker stuff more efficiently.

You need to rely on your stratagems, and the stratagems of your team to deal with all the enemies effectively.

“This doesn’t mean that your primary weapon shouldn’t feel good to use, but please understand that it is primary only in the sense that it’s something you always spawn with.”

Of course, Railgun is indeed a stratagem, but Arrowhead nerfed this too. Much of the reaction to the update stems from what happened to the Railgun, which high-level players used to soldier through the hardest difficulties. The Railgun’s safe mode is now capable of penetrating medium armor, such as Automaton Scout Walkers, but not more heavily armored enemies like Chargers and Bile Titans. For those targets, players now must run the Railgun in unsafe mode and overcharge it. Meanwhile, Arrowhead reigned in the Railgun’s ability to damage massive body parts, which means in order to use it efficiently players must score hits on heads and other weak points.

Which brings us neatly to the Flamethrower, which was one of Helldivers 2’s least effective support weapons. With the Railgun in the dirt, players are seeking out alternatives, and it looks like the recently buffed Flamethrower may now be viable. Players are reporting that the Flamethrower now efficiently cooks Chargers, if used in a targeted fashion, and given how bloody annoying Chargers are, the Flamethrower is now enjoying its time in the sun.

“The Flamethrower is really the embodiment of stepping into a queen’s lair and torching all her eggs, as done by a badass action heroine,” Lasota said. “It should be powerful up close and an inconvenience to enemies that are lit on fire or want to walk through the fire and flames. As many have commented the flamer has felt a little too anemic, not outputting damage at a rate that is warranted by a weapon with a shorter range and large volatility such as the Flamethrower.

“We have increased the Flamethrower direct damage to be able to barbeque enemies that get close much faster. Please enjoy your Terminid Barbecue Device responsibly, as this also makes it even more volatile for any Helldivers caught in the stream.”

The emergence of the Flamethrower, however, has done little to calm the debate around Helldivers 2’s nerfs, with some players complaining that higher difficulties are now nigh-on impossible given the sheer number of Bile Titans and Chargers they throw at you when you play on a Terminid planet. It’s worth pointing out that Helldivers 2 is only a month old, so Arrowhead will be keen to gather as much data as possible from these first weeks to inform its decision-making later.

I believe players are scared of nerfs, because it will ruin the fantasy of a weapon, ruin their fun.

Lasota also offered helpful insight into Arrowhead’s philosophy when it comes to balance changes, and it sounds like the developer is keen to nerf and buff, as opposed to only buff. “I have, since the game released, seen many who say ‘don’t nerf, only buff’ and other similar ideas,” Lasota said. “However as a designer I can tell you this is not a great idea, but I understand where the sentiment comes from. All too often in the games industry the core fantasy, and what makes a weapon feel good and fun, is ignored for the sake of balance.

“I believe players are scared of nerfs, because it will ruin the fantasy of a weapon, ruin their fun. It is extra important to us to tread carefully so that we don’t ruin fantasy and fun when we do nerfs. We hope you, our players, will tell us when we cross that line inadvertently.”

There’s a lot happening in the world of Helldivers 2, including a recent new strategy that involves hugging. The galactic war continues, of course, as players await the arrival of mechs.

This week, IGN reported on how Helldivers 2 has become one of the surprise hits of 2024 since launching in February, topping the charts on Steam and reportedly selling around three million copies. According to at least one analyst, it’s still growing. Check out IGN’s Helldivers 2 review to find out why it’s going down so well, as well as the best loadouts.

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at wesley_yinpoole@ign.com or confidentially at wyp100@proton.me.

WWE 2K24 Blurs Out Some Vince McMahon Footage, but Not All of It

WWE 2K24 blurred out former WWE chairman and CEO Vince McMahon’s face from some archived footage in its Showcase of Immortals game mode, although there’s another instance where he appears fully uncensored, IGN has verified.

There’s been much speculation over how 2K would handle McMahon in the latest game after a former WWE employee filed a lawsuit against him, accusing him of sexual assault and sex trafficking.

In Showcase of Immortals, players can relive 21 of WWE’s most iconic Wrestlemania matches. These matches span from Ricky Steamboat vs. Macho Man Randy Savage’s Intercontinental Championship match at WrestleMania 3 in 1987 to Cody Rhodes and Roman Reign’s Undisputed WWE Universal Championship bout at WrestleMania 39. Each Showcase match interweaves archived WWE footage of key moments from WrestleMania feuds as cutscenes.

While summarizing the storyline build for Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Ronda Rousey match at WrestleMania 35, WWE 2K24 blurs out McMahon’s face. The Showcase segment also bypasses mentioning McMahon’s role in the feud — making a surprise appearance on Monday Night Raw and announcing Flair is replacing Lynch at WrestleMania 35 — by instead saying “WWE would replace her with Charlotte Flair.” You can see the clip below.

While McMahon’s face is blurred out and omitted in the WrestleMania 35 Showcase cutscene, he still makes a fully acknowledged and unblurred appearance in the cutscene for The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin match at WrestleMania 17. However, reviewer Jarrett Green notes that players aren’t required to complete all of WrestleMania 17’s objectives to move the match forward and view IRL Showcase cutscenes. Meaning, players can finish the match without seeing footage of Austin turning heel and aligning with his long-time kayfabe rival, McMahon.

There’s also been speculation, too, about how WWE 2K24 would handle the inclusion of wrestler Brock Lensar. Prior to the game’s release, Lesnar was replaced by John Cena from the cover of WWE 2K24’s special Forty Years of WrestleMania edition. A source close to the situation told IGN that Lesnar’s removal relates to his reported connection to the lawsuit against McMahon.

Although the former multi-time world heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar’s WrestleMania 30 bout with The Undertaker — which saw Lesnar shockingly break Taker’s undefeated streak — is playable in Showcase, both Lesnar and McMahon cannot be unlocked as playable characters in WWE 2k24.

McMahon’s ongoing lawsuit comes after a 2023 Wall Street Journal report alleging McMahon paid four women $12 million in “hush money” over the past 16 years, including a reported $3 million payout to a former WWE employee he allegedly had an affair with. Developer 2K’s efforts to distance itself from McMahon are fairly significant when you take into consideration that McMahon was a playable character in WWE 2K23 amid the allegations revealed in the WSJ’s report.

2K did not respond to IGN’s request for comment.

In our review for WWE 2k24, we wrote, “While not drastically different, WWE 2K24 is better in almost every way, touting small but smart additions to well-tested systems and modes as opposed to taking bigger risks.”

Isaiah Colbert is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow them on Twitter @ShinEyeZehUhh.

Best Trading Card Storage Boxes and Binders for 2024

Not all cards are meant to be played with. If you’re into collectibles already or just starting to collect trading cards, you may have a big enough collection that warrants some extra care or bulk storage. Some of your cards may even have significant value or will continue to grow in value, depending on what cards you collect and how you store them. As an investment, many serious collectors go to significant lengths to protect their cards such as sleeving or even double-sleeving them. However, even if your cards aren’t worth much monetarily, they are still nostalgic and special to you; whether it be Pokémon TCG, Yu-Gi-Oh, sports cards, MTG cards, X-Men cards, or others. That said, you should consider the right dedicated storage option for your type of collection and your budget.

Jump to:

Fortunately, there are all sorts of carefully crafted containers you can use to protect your trading cards these days. If you’re just getting into collecting now, starting to collect more, or you simply want to upgrade your storage option from the old ring binder you’ve been using since the 1990s, this (unranked) list is for you.

While some focus on security above all else, many others are stylish and portable too, making it easy and fun to tote your cards out and about. For all of you card collectors, see our picks below of the best trading card storage options for every situation, collection size and budget. Happy collecting!

1. Quiver Time Quiver Card Case

Best All-Around Pick

Quiver cases are almost universally adored in the card gaming community, and it’s easy to see why. Whatever your storage needs, it’s quite possible a single quiver case will fit the bill. It’s big enough to hold over a thousand unsleeved cards, yet it’s also sturdy and portable, coming with wrist and shoulder carrying straps, a tough shell with a water-resistant faux-leather finish and a secure zip closure. So it’s just as useful whether you’re storing cards in the home or carrying them out to play.

Perhaps the best thing about Quiver Time, though, is the stylish design and attention to detail. They come in a variety of colors to suit your preference and have all sorts of thoughtful little extras. There’s a sheath to keep the zip tabs closed, fully adjustable straps, some card sleeves and removable acrylic dividers and corner cushions to help keep your cards organized. And perhaps most thoughtful of all, 1% of the asking price goes to charity.

2. GameGenic Dungeon 1100

Best for Bulk Collections

If you’ve got a bigger collection of cards and want a solid and well-designed stackable box to keep them in, then look no further. Each GameGenic Dungeon can hold a thousand double-sleeved cards, or a few more if you’re happy to box them up “naked”. There’s a middle divider to keep them better organized and make it easier to search through your collection when you need to.

The lid goes on via a convenient magnetic mechanism which makes it simple to pop on and off but holds strongly and securely when not in use. It also allows for complete removal, making it simple to access all your cards. There’s room above the cards to keep a game board, rules or accessories, and it’s a stylish solution with a smooth exterior and a soft microfibre lining to cushion your cards.

3. QuiverTime Bolt Card Case

Best Case for Portability

While Quivers are fantastic all-round cases, they’re a little on the bulky side if you carry your cards around a lot. If you’re just after a case to take out to clubs and tournaments then they make a smaller option, the Bolt, for that very purpose. It holds a little more than half the capacity of its bigger sibling, but that also means it has half the weight and size.

In all other respects, it offers the same high quality build and styling of the Quiver, meaning your cards are just as well-packed and protected, only on a smaller scale. And you still get a free pack of card sleeves and 1% of the price to a children’s orphan-based charity as well.

4. VaultX Exo-Tech Zip Binder

Best Binder

Boxes are not always the best option for storing your cards, not least because it’s difficult to flip through your collection and find the cards you need. Binders make a great alternative: although they hold fewer cards, they fit nicely onto shelves or cupboards and most options contain transparent pages with pockets into which to tuck your cards.

This binder from VaultX not only contains 20 such pages that hold 9 cards each, but boasts a protective padded cover and heavy-duty zip to keep your cards safe and secure. The standard version is standard black, but it comes in a variety of colors, sizes, and closures, so you can be sure to find one that fits your needs.

5. Casematix Graded Card Storage Box

Best Protection

Depending on how valuable your cards are and where you take them, you might feel the need to have a super-secure option to keep them safe. And they don’t come much safer than this Casematix case, with extra-durable hard shell exterior and customisable foam inserts that you can tear to ensure a perfect fit for your most prized cards.

The case closes with a secure mechanism that also ensures its waterproof and airtight for maximum protection. And if that’s not enough for you, it’s designed to take cards in their own protective plastic slabs and there’s also a padlock ring so you can lock things down even tighter with added layers of your own security.

6. VaultX Exo-Tech Side Loading Deck Box

Best Deck Box

Often, it’s fine to keep your cards in whatever container or case you can rustle up at home, but what you really want is a small, sturdy, premium-build box that you can use when taking a single deck of your precious cards out and about to play. Many brands have starter packs that come with suitable deck boxes for free, but they’re often flimsy cardboard affairs, so it’s better to invest in something a bit more durable.

Enter this excellent option from VaultX. It’s available in a variety of stylish single-color finished, made of water-resistant microfibre. The lid doesn’t clip or slide on and off, as is common, but is held in place with strong magnets, making opening and closing super convenient. And the lid also flips round and magnetizes to the bottom of the box, tidying it out of the way and offering a stable platform to access your cards. You can also mix and match lids and boxes of different colors if so desired.

7. Fageverld Trading Card Storage Box

Best Budget Option

For all the fancy protective cases you can buy for trading cards, fundamentally all you actually need for them is a box of some kind. And a box can be as basic as a piece of packaging that came with some other order: four sides and a lid will keep your cards in order just as well as a golden chest. There’s no need to spend a fortune if you don’t want the style and features offered by premium brands.

But that doesn’t mean there’s not something to be gained by spending at least a little on a storage option. Rather than a discarded cardboard box, you could get a specialized option like this. It’s sized just right to protect trading cards, comes with some dividers to keep things organized and has a top-loading lid so it’s easy to peruse your cards. Multiples will also stack neatly on your shelves to keep your cards together.

How to Pick the Right Storage Option for You

Anyone who has been a collector over the years knows binders may be the easiest and most convenient way to store cards, but can harm the cards over time. So, if you have any high-value cards or potentially high-value cards, it’s recommended to store them in sleeves or penny sleeves and put them in top loaders or boxes versus binders.

Depending on your budget, size of your collection, and value of your cards, you can start with a convenient option like a D-Ring binder, and work your way up from there. Based on the categories listed in the product options above, we’re confident you’ll find something affordable to get you started. What you choose will be based on many factors. For example, you may collect or play with Pokémon TCG cards and you just want to turn a stack of cards into an organized storage solution like using a cute, simple Pokémon card binder.

Tip: look for ‘Acid-Free’ and ‘Soft-Backed’ in the descriptions while shopping around. Also, consider your preference on matte versus glossy pocket pages. According to a recent Reddit poll on the subject, the majority of votes landed on glossy sleeves based on pros and cons of visibility, shuffling, quality and texture.

What is the Rarest Trading Card in History?

According to Guinness World Records, the title of ‘world’s rarest trading card’ is tied between the 1996 World Champion and MTG’s Shichifukujin Dragon cards, in which only one specimen of each card exists.

If you’re a collector or gamer in organization mode currently (it seems like you might be!), you may want to browse our other storage and display guides. We’d recommended checking out top video game storage ideas, top board game storage options, best cases to display LEGOs, and the best display cases for action figures. Keep an eye out on IGN for even more collectible and trading card news and guides including new MTG pre-orders like the AC Cards or LOTR Cards from the nerdiest corners of IGN.

Matt Thrower is a contributing freelance board game and video game writer for IGN. (Board, video, all sorts of games!)

Minecraft Update Adds Long-Requested Wolf Variants After Over 10 Years of Waiting

Since Mojang added wolves to Minecraft’s Java Edition beta in 2011, they’ve remained pretty much the same, with only one variant (in comparison to the game’s 11 different cats and an impressive 2,700 different tropical fish). Quite a few players have begged Mojang to add more wolves — and now, after 13 years, it seems their work has finally paid off.

In a blog post today, Mojang revealed that it’s testing out eight new wolf variations for the game’s next update. According to the blog post, each new wolf variant lives in its own biome and has its own rarity. (The game’s original wolf is also sticking around in the taiga biome, but it’s now called the Pale Wolf.)

While Minecraft’s revamped wolves aren’t in an official release of the game right now, they can currently be tested by installing the most recent snapshot, which also features the long-requested wolf armor.

Of course, the Minecraft community was thrilled by the long-awaited announcement, with a few players sharing that the update was enough to draw them back into the game.

A few players even deemed it the game’s best snapshot ever.

We gave Minecraft a 9 in our 2011 review, calling it “a blank page just daring you to jump in and do with it what you will.” Since then, it’s changed quite a bit, with its latest major update adding camels and archaeology. The game’s annual addition of mobs hasn’t been without controversy, though — last year, players even “unionized” to petition Mojang to abolish the mob vote.

Amelia Zollner is a freelance writer at IGN who loves all things indie and Nintendo. Outside of IGN, they’ve contributed to sites like Polygon and Rock Paper Shotgun, and they’re currently developing a game called Garage Sale. Find them on Twitter: @ameliazollner.

The Xbox Toaster Oven Is Back on Sale at Walmart

It’s back! Walmart is once again offering the Xbox Series S Toaster for $40. Don’t be fooled by the $84.49 MSRP listed on the site, though; the toaster launched back in January at a retail price of $39.99. That said, $40 isn’t a bad price for a toaster oven, even if it’s a meme one like this.

Xbox Series S Toaster for $40

The toaster looks similar to the white Xbox Series S console, but it is an actual working 2-slice toaster with creature comforts you’d expect from any decent toasting appliance like defrost and bagel functions, digital countdown timer, and six different shade settings. Of course, an Xbox toaster’s gotta have a gaming-centric feature, and fortunately the Xbox toaster does not disappoint. It will expertly imprint the Xbox logo onto each and every slice of toast – genius!

Check out all of the best Xbox deals today on consoles, games, and accessories.