The First Descendant Update 1.1.0 Goes Live, Kicking Off Season 1 Invasion

The First Descendant’s big 1.1.0 update is now live across PC via Steam, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. It kicks off Invasion, Season 1 of Nexon’s popular free-to-play looter shooter.

The headline addition is a new playable character, or Descendant, called Hailey Scott. Hailey is a ranged DPS specialist who fires beams and bullets from a sniper canon infused with chill.

Elsewhere, there’s a new Invasion episode that includes a new quest, called Mysterious Phenomena, and a new Invasion dungeon. As you’d expect, there’s a new Season 1 Invasion battle pass with lots of cosmetics to unlock.

There is also a long list of gameplay, balance, and user interface changes with 1.1.0, the biggest update yet for The First Descendant. In the patch notes, below, director Minseok Joo issued a statement to the game’s community in which he said Season 1 is the “first step” in a process that will improve the game.

Here’s the statement in full:

Thank you to all of our players for your love for The First Descendant. Since launching The First Descendant, our development team has been working hard every day to bring you a better experience. We’re constantly thinking about how we can better meet your expectations, and we’re committed to becoming better.

We’ve faced a lot of challenges and issues during the Pre-Season, and we’ve learned a lot from them. We’re continuing to improve the game based on our lessons learned and your feedback, and we’re excited to bring this Invasion Season to you as the first step in that process. Throughout this Invasion Season, we’ll do our best to continue to deliver a gaming experience you can be satisfied with.

We’re incredibly grateful for the support of our players, and we can’t wait to see you in Albion today.

The First Descendant has enjoyed enormous popularity with over 10 million players in just 10 days. But it has also been heavily criticized for its ultra aggressive monetization, which includes the cost of Ultimate versions of its playable characters. IGN has reported on one player who spent an eye-watering 200 hours to unlock every Ultimate Descendant available in the game at launch without spending money.

The First Descendant update 1.1.0 patch notes:

New Descendant: Hailey

– Added “Hailey Scott.”

Hailey Skills

– [Passive Skill] Safe Strategic Retreat: The “Weak Point Damage” decreases when attacking nearby enemies, and increases when attacking distant enemies.

– [Active Skill 1] Cryo Round: Fires multiple Cryo Rounds at enemies to deal damage and inflict “Cryo.”

ㄴ Enemies inflicted with “Cryo” receive additional damage from Hailey’s firearm attacks.

– [Active Skill 2] Storm Snare: “Knocks back” enemies with a “Chill Vortex” and fires a giant Freezing Beam. Hit enemies are inflicted with “Cryo.”

– [Active Skill 3] Cold Fury: Grants “Cold Fury” to herself every second.

ㄴ While in the “Cold Fury” state, her Movement Speed gradually decreases, but her Firearm Penetration and Critical Hit Rate for Firearms and Skills all increase significantly.

ㄴ Once “Cold Fury” reaches maximum stacks, she becomes immune to “Knockdown” and her Firearm and Skill Critical Hit Damage increases.

– [Active Skill 4] Zenith: Equips her “Unique Weapon.” When attacking with the “Unique Weapon,” greatly increases Penetration and Firearm ATK and deals additional Chill skill damage. Recovers MP upon attacking Weak Points. When the “Unique Weapon” skill ends, decreases the Cooldown of the skill depending on the number of bullets.

Added Hailey Research

– Researching “Enhanced Cells” requires 36 “Enhanced Cell DNA.”

– Researching “Stabilizer” requires 36 “Stabilizer Components.”

– Researching “Spiral Catalyst” requires 36 “Spiral Catalyst Links.”

– Researching Hailey requires “Enhanced Cells,” “Stabilizer,” “Spiral Catalyst,” and 36 “Data Chips.”

Farming Hailey’s Research Materials

– Hailey’s “Enhanced Cell DNA,” “Stabilizer Components,” “Spiral Catalyst Links,” and “Data Chips” can be acquired by completing “Invasion Dungeons.”

ㄴ Clear any Invasion Dungeon to acquire one of Hailey’s Research Materials with a 100% chance.

ㄴ Clear Invasion Dungeons faster to acquire up to 3 Hailey Research Materials at once.

ㄴ Invasion events occur daily in two dungeons. Invasion Dungeons can be cleared twice per day.

– Hailey’s Research Materials can also be acquired by defeating monsters in Hard Infiltration Operations. To farm Hailey’s research materials faster, participate in the following Hard Infiltration Operations.

ㄴ Hailey Enhanced Cell DNA: [Kingston] [Hard] – Magister Lab, Slumber Valley

ㄴ Hailey Stabilizer Component: [Vespers] [Hard] – The Shelter, [Echo Swamp] [Hard] – The Chapel

ㄴ Hailey Spiral Catalyst Link: [Agna Desert] [Hard] – The Asylum, [Agna Desert] [Hard] – Caligo Ossuary

ㄴ Hailey Data Chip: [Hagios] [Hard] – The Haven, [White-night Gulch] [Hard] – Mystery’s End

New Episode: Invasion

– After completing all existing main quests, the Invasion episode continues with the “Mysterious Phenomena” quest.

– Progress through the main quest “Altered Design” to unlock the new progression system “Inversion Reinforcement.”

– Progress through the main quest “How to Hide the Truth” to unlock the new content “Invasion Dungeon.”

Invasion Dungeon

– You can enter Invasion Dungeons from the Infiltration Operations Terminal.

– The Invasion event occurs daily in two of the “Hard Infiltration Operation” dungeons.

– You can choose to play either “Infiltration Operation” or “Invasion” in a dungeon where the Invasion event has occurred.

– Invasion Dungeons can only be played solo.

– While the number of entries isn’t limited, you will no longer be able to enter the Invasion Dungeon once you’ve acquired all of the “Ironheart Particles,” which are obtained by clearing the dungeon.

– Invasion Dungeons have unique mechanics for each Vulgus Legion, requiring different strategies.

ㄴ Legion of Immortality: The “Phase Separation Veil” blocks the entrance. As it nullifies all attacks, you need to overload it and shut it down. Defeat the enemies and feed their “Artificial Brains” into the Quantum Computing Unit. Unlock the entrance while the “Phase Separation Veil” is down.

ㄴ Order of Truth: You must survive the explosion from Inversion Energy and ancient Arche. Remove malignant tumors from the “Arche Pillar” and identify its symbol. You must find the “Ancestor Drone” that matches the symbol. After surviving the explosion, destroy the “Wall of Malignant Tumors” with the “Inversion Energy Emitter.”

ㄴ Legion of Darkness: You must disable the encryption system sealed with Inversion Energy. Climb the “Central Control Unit” and identify the trait of the “Arche Tile” with Guide’s help. Occupy “Arche Tiles” of the same color to decode the encryption. The Legion of Darkness Vulgus will try to take back the “Arche Tiles.”

– The faster you clear Invasion Dungeons, the more Hailey Research Materials you can acquire.

– Clear Invasion Dungeons to acquire Gold and “Ironheart Particles (Inversion Reinforcement EXP).”

Inversion Reinforcement

– You can check the Inversion Reinforcement from your Inventory.

– Acquire “Ironheart Particles (Inversion Reinforcement EXP)” to level up your “Inversion Reinforcer.”

– As the level of the “Inversion Reinforcer” increases, you will gain “Energy” which can be used to learn the Inversion Reinforcement Effects.

ㄴ There are 5 types of Inversion Reinforcement Effects: “Hunt,” “Attribute,” “Recovery,” “Survival,” and “Season.”

ㄴ When you learn all 4 effects in the same line, the line’s Collection Effect will be enabled at all times.

ㄴ You can enable and use 3 of the Inversion Reinforcement Effects you’ve learned.

ㄴ You cannot enable 2 effects in the same line simultaneously.

ㄴ The Inversion Reinforcement Effects are applied to all Descendants.

– Inversion Reinforcement will be reset at the end of the Invasion Season.

Hard Difficulty Field – Collect Ironheart Particles

– Added the “Collect Ironheart Particles” task for the Hard Difficulty fields.

– Complete the task to acquire “Ironheart Particles (Inversion Reinforcement EXP).”

– The progress status of the “Collect Ironheart Particles” task will be reset at the end of the Invasion Season.

New Module: Luna’s Modification Modules

– Singer’s Mercy: When using a skill, places a speaker and grants buffs to allies near the speaker.

– Aggressive Melody: Changes the effects of “Passionate Stage” and “Delightful Stage” to the increase of Firearm Damage and Weak Point Damage.

Battle Pass

End of Pre-Season Battle Pass

– The Pre-Season Battle Pass, Battle Supply Shop, and Bonus Shop will be closed.

– You will automatically receive Battle Pass rewards you unlocked by leveling up but have not claimed.

– If you have any remaining Supply Coins, you will automatically receive the remaining items in the Battle Supply Shop in sequence.

– Remaining Supply Coins after the purchase of all Battle Supply items will expire and cannot be recovered.

– Unused Bonus Coins will expire and cannot be recovered.

Start of Invasion Season Battle Pass

– The new Invasion Season Battle Pass arrives.

– Get the new Ultimate Weapon, EXCAVA, as the Battle Pass reward.

– Acquire the helmetless head skins of Bunny (Exhilarating Breakaway), Valby (For Freedom), and Sharen (Tactical Decision).

– Also check out the cute cat back attachment “With Cats”.

– Enjoy many more Battle Pass rewards, including free rewards.

Start of Invasion Season Battle Supply Shop

– The new Invasion Season Battle Supply Shop arrives.

– The Battle Supply Shop is all free. Level up your Battle Pass and obtain various skins.

– Acquire Bunny’s “Golden Afterimage” body skin and “Voltage Control Mask” head skin.

– Acquire Valby’s “Liquefaction Acceleration” body skin and “Hydraulic Adjustment Helmet” head skin.

Added New Products

– Added Hailey to the list of standard Descendants in the shop.

– Added “Hailey’s Sniper Squad Full-Dress Uniform” premium skin package.

– Added Hailey’s “Typical Army Beret” premium head skin.

– Added Hailey’s “Hair & Makeup 1” and “Hair & Makeup 2” packages which include her head skin.

– Added Hailey’s “Southern Front” and “Color from the Unknown” body skins.

– Added Hailey’s “Milk Tea” makeup.

– Added “Lepic’s Infectious Agent Survivor” premium skin package.

– Added “Yujin’s Nightmare on Med Street” premium skin package.

– Added Ajax’s “Mk. Dominator 02 Set” evolving skin.

– Added “Twisted Worship” female event skin.

– Added “Colossus: Dead Bride Skin Set” female event skin.

– Added “Colossus: Executioner Skin Set” male event skin.

– Added “Albion Fire Brigade Set” unisex event skin.

– Added “Gentlemanly” male event skin.

– Added 10 types of paint.

Clear Red-Orange, Glossy Cerise Pink, Matte Candlelight Yellow, Clear Fog Blue, Echo Swamp Brown, Sun-Kissed Beige,

Sand Dust Beige, Milk Tea Beige, Enamel Deep Black, Real Matte Black

■ Hotfix 1.1.0

Content Improvements

(1) Content

– Added visual hints (Ecive effects, chat messages) for locating Encrypted Vaults.

# Director’s Comment

Recently, we’ve received feedback that players who are hard of hearing find it difficult to locate Encrypted Vaults. Therefore, we’ve added visual cues to the Encrypted Vaults hint to help more players feel comfortable playing The First Descendant. We hope this small change helps players with hearing loss, and we will continue to work hard to improve accessibility so that everyone can have a better gaming experience.

– Replaced missions in Hard Infiltration Operations with more combat-oriented ones.

– Increased the EXP reward for completing Hard Infiltration Operations. Also increased EXP for defeating monsters by 1.5 times.

– You can now acquire rare basic materials as a reward for completing Hard Infiltration Operations.

– Increased EXP for defeating monsters in Normal Infiltration Operations by 1.5 times.

# Director’s Comment

The 1.1.0 update brings many changes to Hard Infiltration Operations. We’ve changed some of the pre-existing missions such as Occupation, Defense, and Escort to Extermination or Destruction to give players a run-and-gun styled fast-paced combat experience as they enjoy repeated farming. The reward system has also been adjusted to reflect this: we’ve significantly increased the amount of EXP gained from defeating monsters and completing missions in Hard Infiltration Operations, and while Special Operations are still the better option for farming EXP, Infiltration Operations can now provide a decent amount of EXP as players farm items. Additionally, we’ve increased the amount of rare basic materials you can receive from clearing Hard Infiltration Operations. We’ll continue to add more content that allows players to enjoy their favorite styles of combat.

– Added directions to appear when using Ecive during missions.

– Monsters will no longer target players who are participating in other missions.

– Story dialogues will no longer be repeated in Hard Difficulty missions. As a result, Hard Difficulty missions will not play additional voice lines or subtitles.

– Changed the Immunity mechanics of certain Named Monsters. Replaced the sphere destruction mechanic of Eterllick, Celdir, Dmigor, and Plaudia with shooting weak points.

– Increased the barrier hit range of Named Monster Eterllick.

– Players will no longer be teleported when joining Largescale Outpost missions.

– Increased the Gold reward for completing Hard Difficulty Largescale Outposts by approximately 3 times.

– Improved the routes so that shards acquired from Void Fragments can be used on the Fusion Reactor in the same battlefield.

– More than doubled the amount of shards obtained from Void Fragments.

– Changed monster types and spawn locations in certain Void Fragment missions.

ㄴ “Hagios: Dune Base,” “Vespers: Moonlight Lake,” “Echo Swamp: Abandoned Zone,” and “Fortress: Frozen Valley”

– Removed the starting requirements (Void Shards) of Void Fusion Reactors and added requirements (Void Shards) to the Reconstructed Devices that appear in Fusion Reactors.

– Made an improvement so that only one type of shard is required when using the Reconstructed Device in a Void Fusion Reactor.

– Reduced the time to interact with Reconstructed Devices.

– Summoned Reconstructed Devices now expire 10 seconds after all participants have used them.

# Director’s Comment

With the 1.1.0 update, we’ve made adjustments so that a single playthrough of a Void Fragment will yield enough Void Shards to use the Reconstructed Devices in Fusion Reactors once. We’ve also improved accessibility by making Void Fragments and Fusion Reactors on the same battlefield drop and require the same type of shards. While you can still obtain two types of shards from Void Fragments, the Reconstructed Devices in Fusion Reactors now require only one type of shard, further improving accessibility.

We are constantly monitoring feedback to further improve Outposts and Void Fragments. For long-term improvements, the dev team is considering ideas to evolve Outposts into a non-stop combat experience, as well as improving the farming accessibility of Void Fragments and Fusion Reactors with the integration of content.

In this 1.1.0 update, we’ve also changed the spawn location of certain Void Fragment missions to provide an efficient way to farm shards for each attribute. In addition, we’ve added snipers in certain Void Fragment areas to prevent the use of macros.

We hope these changes will make your farming experience more enjoyable.

– Players can now view the “Past Mission Results” from the menu after completing Special Operations, allowing them to restart the mission.

– Improved display of the mission tooltip information on the Special Operation and Infiltration Operation World Map screen.

– More than doubled the amount of shards that can be picked up in Special Operations.

– Acquire additional Descendant EXP when completing waves in Special Operations.

# Director’s Comment

We’ve made adjustments to Special Operations so that there is improved efficiency when farming EXP. While we recognize many players enjoy leveling up through Sterile Land Mine Blocking, we still believe it’s not as rewarding as other EXP farms that require a simpler play, such as Void Fragments.

As a result, in this update, we’ve added EXP when clearing waves in Special Operations. The fastest, “Mine Blockade,” will now give you about 1.5 times more EXP than before, while “Resource Defense” and “Neutralize Experiment” will give you 2 times more EXP. We hope this will help players level up more efficiently across various Special Operations.

(2) UI/UX

– Fixed issue to allow multiple socket types to be assigned to a single module socket.

ㄴ The socket type applied to Loadout Setting 1 can also be used for Settings 2 and 3 as well.

– For slots with multiple socket types, the socket type can be changed from the selected menu

ㄴ Each socket type for Loadout Settings 1, 2, 3 can be changed so they all may differ.

– Fixed issue to allow the dismantling of equipment during combat.

– Added dead zone settings to the game controller options.

– Made improvements so that the Amorphous Materials linked to Fusion Reactors are displayed in the acquisition information, like Intercept Battles.

– Made improvements to allow the ability to designate the quantity of researches when researching enhancement materials.

– Reduced research time for [Standard/Precision] Ion Accelerator, Phase Exchanger, and Adjustment Control Axis.

# Director’s Comment

We have added the ability to select the quantity of researches when researching enhancement materials. One consequence of this change is that only two studies in the research list will result for each enhancement material. This means, previously, multiple Adjustment Control Axis could be simultaneously created; now, when it comes to Adjustment Control Axis, only two can be researched at the same time.

With the addition of the research quantity selection feature, players can now research up to 500 Adjustment Control Axis at a time. This allows them to conduct more research in one go, reducing the number of visits to Anais. However, the inability to simultaneously conduct multiple research will reduce the amount of enhancement materials that can be acquired in a short period of time.

While we want to give players new features, we also want to make sure that players in certain situations aren’t losing out. As a result, we’ve shortened the time it takes to research enhancement materials so that despite only doing one research at a time, you’ll still acquire a similar amount of enhancement materials as before. We hope this will help players research and utilize enhancement materials more efficiently.

– Made improvements to display only modules you have in duplicate when combining modules.

– Increased the number of symbols that can be displayed, when designating them as Attached Items, to 8.

– Made improvements to allow the ability to set an “Equipment Option” category in “Filter all as junk” for Reactors and External Components in equipment.

– Changed the display location and design of the random options to improve inventory slots. Removed displays for the Reactor’s attributes/Arche type and fixed the display for External Components set effects.

– The Reactor icon has changed so that it now varies, depending on the Arche type.

– Changed some External Component icons to differentiate their appearance based on their DEF, Shield, and HP stats.

# Director’s Comment

Previously, in Update 1.0.7, we added information for random options, Arche type of Reactors, and External Component sets for item icons. The feedback we received was, that players were distracted, as there was too much information included. Based on this, we’ve made improvements so that the icon information is presented in a cleaner, more organized way. Dev Team will continue to listen to the valuable feedback given by community and players as we continue to make improvements to the game.

– Schematized the “Amount of Owned Equipment” tooltip in inventory.

– Significantly increased the quantity of Shape Stabilizer you own.

– Improved the map to show the location of records needed to be found when progressing Descendant related quests.

– Made improvements by adding a Tracking On tab when researching, making it easier to view the tracked target.

– Improved the Intercept Battle screen to display the number of Linked Amorphous Materials players have at each Intercept Battle.

– Improved the ability to view “Mission Details” through the mission tooltip on the map.

– Improved the display of the red dot when there are unacquired Battle Pass items.

– Improved the ability to purchase a one-time, large quantity of enhancement materials at the shop.

– Improved the ability to preview each component of a bundled product without moving the screen.

– Improved the ability to view each Evolution Stage of an evolving skin in the shop.

– [Console] Added attributes and Arche keywords, by type, to the Descendant and Weapon Module screens, making it easier to find modules on console platforms as well.

(3) Descendants

– Jayber

ㄴ Fixed an issue where some stats were not reflected in Jayber”s “Turret.”

Skill Power Modifier, Additional ATK for skills when attacking Colossus/Legion of Darkness/Order of Truth/Legion of Immortality, Incoming Damage Modifier

ㄴ Improved Jayber’s “Turret Sync” effect to apply to summoned turrets.

ㄴ When equipping skill module “Turret Engineering,” instead of improving summoned turrets to create a “Turret Zone,” increased cooldown of “Turret Engineering.”

– Blair

ㄴ Improved Blair’s “Pitmaster” Skill so it now increases the Critical Hit Rate by the number of “Flame Zones” he has, up to a maximum of 5.

ㄴ Increased Blair’s “Flame Zone” Skill DMG.

ㄴ Increased the DMG dealt by Blair’s “Burn” Skill effect.

ㄴ Made changes so that Blair’s “Extinguish” Skill no longer retrieves “Flame Zones.”

ㄴ Improved “Taste of Aggression” effect to stack for the “Extinguish” Skill.

ㄴ Improved the MP Heal per “Flame Zone” from the “Taste of Aggression” and “Power of Fire” effects to be proportional to Blair’s Max MP.

ㄴ Increased the maximum amount of “Flame Zones” that can be absorbed through the “Extinguish” Skill.

ㄴ Increased the duration of the “Blaze Up” Skill, reducing its MP cost.

ㄴ Improved the “Burn Taste” Skill so that the skill can be halted when pressing the button during use.

• Increased skill DMG of the “Burn Taste” skill and improved it to be affected by duration-related modules.

• Increased the Max Stack when equipping the “Incendiary Bomb” skill module, and reduced MP cost.

• Increased the number of “Small Fireballs” for the “Deadly Cuisine” skill when the “Classic Chef” skill module is equipped, and increased the effect of the “Pitmaster” skill based on the Flame Zone count.

– Ajax

• Improved Ajax’s “Orbit Barrier” and “Hyper Cube” barrier to be affected by attribute resistances, and increased the barriers’ HP and DEF ratios.

• Increased the ratios of barrier-related stats when the “Life Barrier” and “Void Barrier” skill modules are equipped.

• Fixed an issue with continuously recovering shield for “Void Walk” and “Matrix Recomputation” skills and increased the Max Shield Up ratio.

• Improved the “Void Walk” skill to have faster motion transitions when used while enhanced.

• Modified the “Body Enhancement” skill to increase HP, DEF, and Shield, and improved it to grant 100% Void Energy when used, but increased the Cooldown and Skill Cost.

• Changed the “Void Walk” skill so that it can be stacked when the “Void Charge” skill module is equipped, and increased the damage dealt proportional to DEF when using the “Void Walk” and “Expulsion” skills.

• Improved “Void Charge” to restore “Void Walk” stacks and reset the Cooldown of “Expulsion” when used while enhanced.

# Director’s Comment

In this update, we’ve made balance adjustments to Ajax, Blair, and Jayber. We’ve been closely analyzing feedback from the community and continue to monitor all Descendants and Ultimate Weapons. As we move forward with this Invasion Season, we’ll continue to balance more Descendants and Ultimate Weapons based on your feedback. We’ll do our best to make your experience more enjoyable and fair.

– Improved level balance for Descendant spawn sounds.

– Removed a voice that would play repetitively whenever hitting a note while Luna’s “Noise Surge” skill module was equipped.

(4) Equipment

– Changed the 4-piece set effect of the Ultimate External Component “Bravery” to increase “Skill Duration” without any conditions.

– Increased the “Incoming Damage Modifier” values for the “Pain Reliever”, “Sensory Dep (HP)”, “Sensory Dep (MP)”, and “Psychological Victory” modules.

Optimization Improvements

– Made some performance improvements when fighting many enemies.

– [PC, PS5, XSX] Made some performance improvements when using ray tracing.

– [PC] Optimized the Shader preparation stage.

Bug Fixes

(1) UI/UX

– Fixed an issue in the inventory where the DPS value within the weapon icon would change when designated as junk while in “View Module Stats” mode.

– Fixed an issue where the quantity tracker on the HUD would not update if you have Tracking On for an item you do not have on the Library screen.

– Fixed an issue where the “Start with the current squad” button would not display on the results screen after completing the final wave of Special Operations.

– Changed the squad recruitment countdown to no longer appear in the center of the screen when “Restart Mission” is selected in matchmaking.

– Fixed an issue where the icons for High-Value Mark for Arrest and Mark for Arrest’s icon looked unnatural when viewing their acquisition information.

– Changed “Firearm Critical Hit Resistance” to display to 3 decimal points in the inventory’s info screen as well.

– Fixed an issue with the Kingston Special Operation not being counted for the Resource Defense award.

– Fixed an issue where the “None” setting was showing as “Friends Only” in the Support Requests options.

– Fixed an issue where skipping the Descendant and Weapon research cutscenes would skip the acquisition result screen sound.

– Improved the display of names and weak points for enemy commanders and assassination targets so that they are now only displayed within the Ecive radius.

(2) Descendants

– Fixed an issue where, when using Bunny’s “Lightning Emission” and “High-Voltage” skills, the first hit’s connection effect would not appear.

– Fixed an issue where the status effect icon for Bunny’s “Electric Transition” skill would appear to be the same as her Speed of Light icon.

– Fixed an issue where the “Ice Sphere” for “Viessa” and “Ultimate Viessa” looked the same.

– Fixed an issue where notes would not display in certain situations while Luna’s “Noise Surge” skill module was equipped.

– Fixed an issue where some Descendants’ skill damage was not being applied correctly to Void Fragments.

(3) Equipment

– Fixed an issue with the Ultimate Weapon “Smithereens” where the Fire Rate reduction from the effect of the Unique Ability “Fearlessness” was slower than stated.

– Fixed an issue where each effect’s icon looked the same on the Unique Ability info screen of “The Final Masterpiece”.

– Fixed an issue where some Ultimate External Components would display the same icon when triggering their set effects. (Annihilation, Polar Night, Venom Essence, Frozen Heart, Active Volcano)

(4) Modules

– Fixed an issue where the Shotgun module “Targeted Vulnerability” module would appear to have the same name as the “Weak Point Sight” module.

– Fixed an issue where icons for effects triggered by some ultimate modules were displayed as icons for other modules (Decimator, Passionate Sponsor, Mental Focus, Real-Life Fighter)

(5) Miscellaneous

– Improved an issue where characters would get stuck in some areas of the world.

– Fixed an issue where characters could move through terrain that was not intended to be traversable.

– Fixed an issue that caused effects to remain in some areas.

– Fixed an issue where the named monster Sigvore’s Grenade skill generated 2 AOEs.

– Fixed an issue where the named monster Sigvore’s Explosive skill was generated mid-air.

– Fixed an issue where named monsters would intermittently fail to teleport in their immunity phase.

– Fixed an issue where pressing the number 0 key in Kingston would briefly pan the camera to a different area.

– Fixed an issue where the target items would be flung around excessively in Seizure missions.

– Fixed an issue with the Void Fragment sound overlapping when restarting after aborting a Void Fragment mission.

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at or confidentially at

Call of Duty Next: Everything Announced for Black Ops 6 and Warzone

COD: Next 2024 dropped in with new details about what to expect from Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, zombies, multiplayer, Warzone, and much, much more.

The day-long celebration of Call of Duty’s future didn’t disappoint, as the four-hour showcase featured interviews with developers and gameplay reveals while attendees got to go hands-on with upcoming releases. This year’s Black Ops installment had already promised a slew of changes to Activision’s first-person shooter formula, but we’ve now gotten a better look at things like the Area 99 Warzone map, omnimovement, the Liberty Falls zombies maps, and other fresh gameplay tweaks.

While we wait for the Black Ops 6 multiplayer beta to kick off this weekend, we gathered all of the major reveals from COD: Next for you to check out here. You can see everything the Call of Duty team had to show below, but don’t forget to keep checking in with IGN for any updates ahead of launch this fall.

Verdansk is (finally) returning to Warzone

That’s right – Verdansk, the first Warzone map and the location that gripped millions back in 2020, will make its triumphant return to Call of Duty players on PC and console in spring 2025. It’s been three years since iconic locations like Stadium and Superstore left Activision’s battle royale mode, but we won’t have to wait much longer to visit them once again. It had to happen eventually, right?

Black Ops 6 launch and beta multiplayer maps confirmed

Black Ops 6 is bringing in eight new maps for players to enjoy during the upcoming beta: Derelict, Rewind, Scud, Skyline, Gala, Pit, Stakeout (weekend 2), and Babylon (weekend 2). Protocol will also be available during this time as a training map but will also be playable at launch in October. We also have confirmation for the remaining maps, which include Lowtown, Payback, Red Card, Subsonic, Vault, Vorkuta, and Sand House.

Every Zombies map will feature a Main Quest for players to complete

Upgrading Wonder Weapons to mow down endless waves of zombies is fun, but the developers at Treyarch are upping the ante with new Main Quests to keep players moving through each twisted map. Every map included in Black Ops 6 will feature a different multi-stage Main Quest to complete, and in a blog post, the team says they are “as involved and difficult as they are entertaining.”

“For veteran Zombies players, and those newer players dedicated enough to drop in and scour the maps to solve clues and secrets,” the post adds, “expect to be recompensed with unique and limited-time rewards. We can’t wait to witness the launch weekend hunts to completion!”

New Black Ops 6 multiplayer mode Kill Order revealed

Every new Call of Duty game tends to introduce new modes to enjoy, and Black Ops 6 is no different. One of the multiplayer offerings set to arrive this fall is called Kill Order, a 6v6 battle where each team is tasked with keeping a high-value target (HVT) alive. With respawns enabled, every kill grants points, but taking out the HVT will get your team that much closer to victory. Activision also revealed a variation of the mode called Face Off Kill Order, which maintains the rules but turns off Scorestreaks and keeps the fight to closer-quarters Strike maps.

Black Ops 6 zombies’ Liberty Falls revealed as second launch map

New zombies means new maps, and it all starts with a small West Virginia town called Liberty Falls. Activision describes its new location as a “once-idyllic, now horrific” medium-sized map that has become taken over by an undead threat.

An official blog post describes Liberty Falls further: “By the time you arrive – assumed to be part of the Project Janus forces under the watchful eye of Security Chief John Blanchard – the town is overrun, and the battle seems well and truly lost.”

Sprays and emotes are back

Black Ops 6 will see the return of in-game sprays and emotes that can be used to taunt other players mid-match or, if you’re creative, toy with your enemies. Details about how many sprays and emotes will be available is a mystery, but it looks like players can at least expect classic taunts like clapping, giving a thumbs down, and more to make appearances.

Area 99 revealed as the next Warzone map

While Verdansk promises a blast from Call of Duty’s past, Area 99 will take Warzone into the future in Season 1. This Resurgence map has been called “the birthplace of Nuketown” and features a worn-down aesthetic polluted with mannequins and other retro-themed buildings. Each point of interest takes players to a new area that should feel familiar to those who have visited Nuketown for themselves, and you can expect to explore it for yourself sometime soon after Black Ops 6 launches in October.

Prestige progression returns to multiplayer, zombies, and Warzone

Old-school Call of Duty fans will remember the Prestige system, which allows players to continue earning rewards even after they reach each season’s level cap. There will be 10 levels of Prestige to reach, with each said to be inspired by past Call of Duty: Black Ops titles. Activision calls the new and improved mechanic “the most rewarding Prestige system ever” in Black Ops history, promising a lot of content to unlock in an official blog post. Expect Prestige to launch with multiplayer and zombies and with Warzone in Season 1.

New Black Ops, new gameplay

While excitement for things like omnimovement grows, the developers behind Call of Duty took the time at COD: Next to detail some of the other changes coming to the formula this fall. Time to kill (TTK) will be a bit faster than players remember from Black Ops Cold War, for example, and while enemy health bars are a thing of the past, you’ll be able to see your character’s health bar on your HUD if you’d like. Slide canceling and audio improvements were also promised, but you can also look forward to features like map voting and more.

Black Ops 6 Wonder Weapons reveal new and returning guns

Wonder Weapons are a zombies staple, so it should be no surprise to see that the Ray Gun is back and better looking than ever. The small, handy tools has been given a visual upgrade this time around, and it’ll still pack a punch on every map if you manage to acquire it. The Thrustodyne Model 23, meanwhile, is Black Ops 6’s new weapon. You’ll be able to find and use it to suck up zombies exclusively on Liberty Falls.

Warzone will feature Carry Forward Content from past Call of Duty games

COD: Next brought the confirmation that, as Warzone evolves, it will continue to support weapons, blueprints, Operators, Skins, and “the vast majority of the cosmetics” from games like Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3. With this comes the promise of full integration with everything yet to come with Black Ops 6. In other words, Warzone is only getting bigger and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.

Ranked multiplayer arrives just weeks after launch

Like other recent entries in the Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops 6 will be receiving a Ranked mode for those looking for their competitive fix. While Ranked has sometimes taken a while to launch in the past, Activision promises that the mode will release with Season 1, just weeks after launch this October.

Someone already launched a nuke in Black Ops 6

Black Ops 6 doesn’t come out until October 25, and its closed beta won’t launch for another few days. That didn’t stop streamer JustHazzardous from securing and activating an in-game nuke at COD: Next. The requirements for a nuke in this year’s Call of Duty installment haven’t even been revealed yet, so while this doesn’t necessarily qualify as a COD: Next reveal, it’s still undeniably impressive and a good look at what’s to come.

Black Ops 6 beta rewards reveal new goodies for early players

Those who participate in the Black Ops 6 beta tests will have the opportunity to earn cosmetic rewards that they can carry into launch. Highlights include Squish and Squash Operator skin unlocks at level 20, as well as a Quick Draw emote that can be acquired at level 15. Getting to at least level 2 nets players an animated beta tester emblem.

Michael Cripe is a freelance contributor with IGN. He started writing in the industry in 2017 and is best known for his work at outlets such as The Pitch, The Escapist, OnlySP, and Gameranx.

Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter @MikeCripe.

Walmart Has the Lowest Prices on Nintendo Switch Lite Consoles for Labor Day

The Walmart Labor Day sale kicked off earlier this week and it has some of the best prices on gaming consoles and accessories anywhere right now. More specifically, if you’re in the market for a Labor Day deal on the Switch Lite, Walmart’s sale currently has the lowest prices we’ve found ahead of the long weekend.

Although none of the bundles are currently discounted, there are multiple versions of the Switch Lite that are marked down to pretty reasonable prices. The Turquoise and Gray consoles are the cheapest options available at just $165 each.

Nintendo Switch Lite Deals at Walmart

If you’re just entering the Nintendo Switch ecosystem for the first time, the Switch Lite is a good cheap option that has some limits compared to the dockable standard and OLED versions. We reviewed the Switch Lite back in 2019 and had nothing but good things to say about it.

Should You Buy Refurbished Switch Lite Consoles from Walmart?

All of the Switch Lite consoles we’ve featured above are new, but Walmart also has some refurbished options that are a little bit cheaper. Buying refurbished is a good way to save a little extra cash, but with the discounts available on the newer models happening right now, those savings aren’t that significant. The customer reviews on refurbished Switch Lite consoles at Walmart are mostly positive, but some users did report issues. The risk with buying refurbished tech from any online retailer is that you are more likely to encounter issues with a used item than you are with a brand-new one.

That being said, Walmart has free 90-day returns on refurbished Switch Lite consoles. So if there is a problem within the first three months, you can easily just send it back for a full refund. You can check out Walmart’s policy on restored items in the help section of their website.

Should You Buy Now or Wait for Black Friday?

There are a lot of Labor Day sales happening right now, but Labor Day weekend isn’t necessarily the best time to buy a new Nintendo console. We’ve already seen better prices on the Nintendo Switch Lite during Prime Day and the price will likely drop even further during Black Friday this year. That being said, Walmart currently has the best prices on new Nintendo Switch Lite consoles right now, so it’s still the best place to buy one today. If you don’t want to wait for Black Friday season to come around or for the release of the Nintendo Switch 2 to drop prices even further, now is generally a decent time to buy a Switch.

Looking for more deals? Check out our guide to the best Labor Day sales live right now.

Verdansk Is Finally Returning to Call of Duty Warzone, and Fans are Delighted

Call of Duty Warzone is bringing back the map that started it all: Verdansk.

Activision confirmed the return of what might be the most beloved open-world map in Warzone history as part of COD: Next, today, celebrating the news with a special post that made its way to X/Twitter. The announcement marks the end of rumors that the map would be making a comeback for months.

Now we know that Verdansk – along with iconic points of interest like Stadium, the Train Station, and Superstore – will finally return in spring 2025. It’s unclear if it will be altered in any way or if it will be just as players remember it when it eventually drops in Warzone. A specific release date has also not yet been revealed.

Verdansk first debuted alongside the launch of Call of Duty Warzone in March 2020. It was a momentous occasion for Call of Duty players that coincided with COVID-19 lockdowns, giving fans ample time to fully explore the map in what has evolved into a worthy standalone battle royale mode. However, as Activision continued to release additional installments in its first-person shooter series, Verdansk was phased out in 2021 in favor of new maps like Urzikstan, Vondel, and Al Mazrah. While fresh maps shook up gameplay with new areas to fight through, many have argued that no Warzone map has come close to matching Verdansk’s highs.

The location did eventually return as a playable map in Call of Duty Warzone Mobile, but those on console have been without it since 2021. That will change early next year. News that Activision is bringing back the first Warzone map has players excited, with many taking to X to celebrate what might be the mode’s biggest reveal in years.

Meanwhile, COD: Next has featured a crate full of other announcements related to Warzone, zombies, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 in general. One reveal showed off another new Warzone map known as Area 99, the birthplace of the iconic multiplayer map, Nuketown. This new Resurgence location will arrive alongside Season 1.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will help with the wait for Verdansk when it launches October 25, 2024. A closed multiplayer beta will take place this weekend, with an open beta set to follow in early September.

Michael Cripe is a freelance contributor with IGN. He started writing in the industry in 2017 and is best known for his work at outlets such as The Pitch, The Escapist, OnlySP, and Gameranx.

Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter @MikeCripe.

Marathon Director Was Fired Following Misconduct Investigation at Bungie – Report

Marathon director Chris Barrett was fired after an internal misconduct investigation at Bungie, according to a new Bloomberg report citing sources within the studio, who say that at least eight women came forward saying that Barrett behaved inappropriately toward them.

The new report says that Barrett “called lower-level female employees attractive, asked them to play truth-or-dare and made references to his wealth and power within the studio, suggesting that he could help advance their careers.” Barrett also allegedly befriended women in various department and sent them a “barrage of text messages that blurred the lines between professional and personal.”

Internally, Bloomberg reports that Bungie employees weren’t told about the circumstances behind Barrett’s firing, believing that he was on sabbatical. Later, some discovered that his accounts had been disabled.

Barrett said in a statement to Bloomberg, “I feel that I have always conducted myself with integrity and been respectful and supportive of my colleagues, many of whom I consider my closest friends. I never understood my communications to be unwanted and I would have never thought they could possibly have made anyone feel uncomfortable. If anyone ever felt that way about their interaction with me, I am truly sorry.”

A Sony Interactive Entertainment spokesperson said the company takes “all complaints of misconduct very seriously. It is our policy and practice to investigate every complaint promptly and take action based on the findings of our investigation.”

IGN broke the news of Barrett being replaced as Marathon director by former Valorant director Joe Ziegler back in March. The report also detailed how Bungie was “pouring resources into getting Marathon out the door,” with the direction shifting under Ziegler from custom player characters to a selectable cast of heroes. Prior to that, IGN delved into Bungie’s struggle to address issues with crunch and workplace misconduct.

Since then, Bungie has been rocked by major layoffs impacting some 200 workers, or about 17 percent of the studio’s workforce. It’s part of an industry-wide upheaval that has impacted publishers including Xbox, Sony, EA, and more.

Kat Bailey is IGN’s News Director as well as co-host of Nintendo Voice Chat. Have a tip? Send her a DM at @the_katbot.

Call of Duty Warzone’s Next Map Is Area 99, the ‘Birthplace’ of Nuketown

Activision has revealed fresh details on the next map coming to battle royale Warzone, and it’ll be familiar to fans of Call of Duty multiplayer.

Wazone is getting a new Resurgence map in Season 1 called Area 99, which is described as the “birthplace” of Nuketown. Check it out in the trailer below.

Set in a U.S. fake town used for nuclear tests, Nuketown is one of the most famous and popular recurring maps in the Call of Duty series. It’s tiny, which makes for fast and often chaotic gameplay, perfect for players who are on the Call of Duty grind and want to level up weapons, unlock attachments, or complete challenges.

Area 99, developed by Black Ops 6 studio Treyarch with support from Warzone custodian Raven Software (union staff from which recently filed a ‘bad faith bargaining’ complaint against Activision and parent company Microsoft), includes 10 unique POIs (points of interest), each fleshing out the Nuketown we know from Black Ops.

POIs include Reactor, which powers the covert base that surrounds it, Manufacturing, which is home to Nuketown houses in varying states of construction, Mannequin Assembly, which does exactly what you’d imagine, and Pods, where abandoned Echo Ridge Weapons Station employee housing is stacked vertically.

Elsewhere, for the first time, Classic Prestige, a dedicated Mastery Camo track, and Dark Ops Challenges will be coming to Warzone in Season 1. Players can also return to the classic in-game inventory system with easily accessible, dedicated slots for items and equipment.

There is no word, however, on the return of Verdansk to Warzone. Verdansk, the map that kicked off Warzone back in 2020, is reportedly set to hit Warzone once again at some point in 2025.

Warzone Season 1, meanwhile, launches following the release of Black Ops 6 on October 25, 2024. We’ve already seen the world first Black Ops 6 nuke achieved, before the beta even launches.

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at or confidentially at

World First Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Nuke Achieved Before the Beta Even Launches

We’re still a couple days away from the release of the Black Ops 6 beta release date, but one streamer has already managed to pull the notable feat of dropping the game’s first nuke.

Streamer JustHazzardous, who claims to have pulled off a similar achievement in Modern Warfare 3, posted a clip of what looks like Black Ops 6’s very first nuke, which he recorded live from Activision’s Call of Duty NEXT event. While it’s unconfirmed how many kills it takes to reach a nuke in Black Ops 6, nukes can typically be achieved after gaining 25 kills without dying.

The imagery of the nuke is as intense as you’d expect, with even the player character catching fire and burning up, Terminator 2-style, in a brand new animation ahead of a massive fireball. You can watch the video of Black Ops 6’s first nuke in the video embedded above.

Treyard Studios acknowledge the achievement on its own social media account, congratulating JustHazzardous on getting Black Ops 6’s first nuke.

It’s all part of Call of Duty NEXT, which has seen Activision fully take the wraps off Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s multiplayer mode ahead of the beta. You can find out more info about Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s beta right here.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is the latest entry in Treyarch’s long-running subseries, shifting the timeline to around the original Gulf War in the early 1990s. It is set to release on October 25 on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation, and will have the distinction of being the first Call of Duty available Day 1 on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

Stay tuned for all the rest of IGN’s coverage of the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 event, and make sure to check out all the rest of the biggest games releasing in 2024.

Kat Bailey is IGN’s News Director as well as co-host of Nintendo Voice Chat. Have a tip? Send her a DM at @the_katbot.

The Witcher 4 Entering Full Production ‘Very Soon’

The next mainline Witcher game, currently in development at CD Projekt under the codename Polaris, is entering full production “very soon.”

Joint CEO Michał Nowakowski said during CD Projekt’s latest earnings call that, while the Polaris team has only grown from 407 members as of April 30, 2024 to 410 members as of July 31, 2024, its presence as the majority of overall staff members (410 of 639) means it’s in a good place to begin proper work on the new Witcher game.

“The Polaris team is maintaining the right scale to enter the production stage very soon,” Nowakowski said.

The Polaris team is maintaining the right scale to enter the production stage very soon.

When Polaris was announced in October 2022, CD Projekt said it wouldn’t be released until 2025 at the earliest. As time goes on, however, and next year grows closer and closer, it seems increasingly unlikely Polaris will be released in 2025.

Details are therefore still slim on the new game, but Geralt of Rivia voice actor Doug Cockle has revealed the White Wolf will star in Polaris, but not as the main character.

Developer CD Projekt has long made clear that Geralt’s saga has come to an end, meaning a new protagonist was fully expected for Polaris, but this was the first confirmation he’ll be in the next game at all — and fuels some rampant fan theories.

Only a single teaser image has otherwise been revealed for Polaris, but it was enough to fuel fan theories, which suggest Ciri will be the next mainline Witcher game’s protagonist. What’s considered the “true” ending of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, thanks to its story being continued in comics considered canon to CD Projekt’s universe, sees her become a witcher herself.

The teaser image also showed a medallion of a lynx, and while this is a brand new witcher school not mentioned previously in the books, games, comics, or wherever else, Ciri wore a School of the Cat medallion in the books and its philosophy matches her nimble fighting style.

CD Projekt is plenty busy even outside of Polaris, of course, as it’s currently setting up a new studio in the U.S. to develop a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel codenamed Orion. Even in The Witcher universe, one of its subsidiary studios is developing a multiplayer game and partner studio Fool’s Theory is working on a remake of the original game.

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelance reporter. He’ll talk about The Witcher all day.

Sony Announces PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for September 2024

Sony has announced the PlayStation Plus monthly games for September 2024, all playable for subscribers from September 3.

As revealed in a post on PlayStation Blog, the headline addition is Harry Potter game Quidditch Champions (PS4, PS5), which makes its debut as part of September’s PlayStation Plus Monthly Games lineup.

Live your Quidditch fantasy: take to the sky as one of the classic positions – Chaser, Seeker, Keeper or Beater – each with their own unique play style. Soar into legendary Quidditch arenas and new maps that showcase never-before-seen areas of the wizarding world. Take on Career Mode to progress from backyard battles in the Weasley Burrow to high-stakes showdowns at the Quidditch World Cup. Rise to become a champion either solo or in online co-op with teams of up to three friends, and launch into exhibition matches where you’ll set your teams, map and difficulty and play alone or on teams of up to three in online co-op. Or select player vs player to test your skills in competitive online matches against other Quidditch teams.

MLB The Show 24 (PS4, PS5), meanwhile, also joins September’s PlayStation Plus Monthly Games lineup. IGN’s MLB The Show 24 review returned an 8/10. We said: “MLB The Show 24 continues to push the genre forward – not every choice is a homerun, but it has enough hits for another all-star appearance.”

Swing for the fences, experience game-deciding moments, become a legend and live out your baseball dreams. Set out on the road to baseball greatness – whatever it is you want to achieve, MLB The Show 24 has got you covered.

Earn your call up from the minors to the big leagues and prove you’ve got what it takes at the top. Learn about known and unsung legends of the sport and take inspiration from their heroics. Hold your nerve when it matters and earn the right to be called World Series champions. Chalk up the wins, pick yourself up after the losses. Whatever happens, know you left nothing in the dugout. Everyone has a moment to own. Everyone has a story to tell. Unlock your moment. Own The Show.

And rounding out the month is Tarsier Studios’ horror adventure Little Nightmares 2 (PS4, PS5). IGN’s Little Nightmares 2 review returned a 7/10. We said: “Little Nightmares 2 delivers similar stealth and scares to the original, but leaves less of a lasting impact.”

Discover the sinister secrets of The Signal Tower in this horror-themed platform adventure where you control Mono, a young boy trapped in a distorted and broken world. Joined by Six, the raincoat wearing hero from the original Little Nightmares, only you can help her from fading away into nothingness. As the relationship between Mono and Six grows, the duo must work together using a combination of stealth and an array of items to overcome tricky puzzles and horrifying enemies. Muster your courage and begin your journey in the face of terrible threats in a mission to stop the source of evil that’s spreading throughout the land.

With news of September’s games comes warning of the last chance to download August’s games. PlayStation Plus members have until September 2 to add LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, FNAF Security Breach and Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights to their game libraries.

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at or confidentially at

Crash Bandicoot Shows Up in PS5 Exclusive Astro Bot Despite Microsoft Now Owning Activision

Crash Bandicoot, a character owned by Xbox subsidiary Activision Blizzard, shows up in upcoming PlayStation 5 exclusive Astro Bot.

VGC spotted a reference to the beloved bandicoot in a PlayStation Blog post discussing character designs in Astro Bot, confirming Crash would appear as a cameo character in the reference-heavy platformer. Astro meets characters wearing costumes from games like God of War and Horizon, for example, and Crash Bandicoot is also on the list.

“With all of these characters, the eyes are paramount,” said Astro Bot director Nicolas Doucet “Sometimes LED eyes just didn’t work on certain characters because the original design relies so much on the pupils being a certain size or color for instance. So for more cartoony VIPs like Crash Bandicoot or from Ape Escape, the Bots are wearing a mask to help bridge that problem.”

Crash Bandicoot debuted as an original PlayStation game from The Last of Us and Uncharted developer Naughty Dog but, while those two franchises are still firmly in camp PlayStation, Crash has found himself on the opposite side of the console war.

The series came under the control of Activision in 2008 when the company merged with original producer Vivendi. In turn, when Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard for a staggering $68.7 billion in 2023, Crash Bandicoot officially became an Xbox-owned franchise.

It obviously still has roots in PlayStation though, and is still associated with the brand given Crash Bandicoot’s prominence in the early PlayStation days.

The series has been quiet since Crash Bandicoot 4 launched in 2020, and a former developer recently broke hearts by discussing a fifth game that never got off the ground.

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelance reporter. He’ll talk about The Witcher all day.