Balatro Friends of Jimbo Deals a Hand of Collaborations With Witcher, Among Us, and More

Today, Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase opened with a treat for Balatro fans. The game is getting collaborations with four exciting properties later today in the new Friends of Jimbo update: The Witcher, Vampire Survivors, Dave the Diver, and Among Us.

The collaborations appear to contain themed decks with King, Queen, Jack, and Joker cards styled after characters from each game. The Dave the Diver deck additionally changes the number cards to fruit, and the Among Us deck seems to include death animations for playing certain hands.

The trailer was short, so it’s not quite clear the extent to which each theme shuffles the deck, but given that it’s a free update, no strings attached, it’s an exciting little bonus for folks already excited about the most addictive card game of the year.


Watch: Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase & Indie World – Live!

Double whammy.

Well folks, we’re back with another Nintendo Indie World showcase. Oh, and a Partner Direct too. What’s that..? Two presentations back-to-back?! Yeah, you better believe it.

As such, we’ve got roughly 40 minutes’ worth of reveals, announcements, and updates to look forward to, so make sure you join us here at 3pm BST / 7am PT / 10am ET / 12am AET (Wed) so you can chat along with your fellow community members as the livestream commences.

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Batman: Arkham Shadow – The First Preview

Many gamers understandably felt a rush of excitement when they heard that a new Batman: Arkham game was in development, followed quickly by disappointment after learning that it would be a VR game exclusive to the Meta Quest 3. I get it. VR has been in our lives for the better part of a decade now, and not even a full-blown Half-Life game could get core gamers interested. So what hope does Batman have?

That’s ultimately for the market to decide, but what I can confidently say after playing the first 45 minutes of Batman: Arkham Shadow, out this October from Camouflaj Studios, the folks responsible for Iron Man VR, is that it’s a “real game.” Meaning, it’s not a 90-minute tech demo, like Rocksteady’s 2016 PSVR1 launch game Batman: Arkham VR clearly was (though it was quite enjoyable). And I had a really good time that was just getting interesting when my demo ended.

Arkham Shadow is set between the events of Origins and Asylum, with the latter being the Camouflaj team’s primary inspiration. This extends to the physical structure of the campaign; this isn’t an open-world game like City or Knight, but instead a series of larger but ultimately confined play spaces you can move freely around. Given the technological and gameplay constraints in VR compared to a flat-screen game, this makes sense. But how does it actually play?

Pretty well, it turns out! I’ll be honest: I was skeptical coming into this demo. Though I had fun putting on Batman’s cowl in the aforementioned Arkham VR, there wasn’t much of a real game there. Camouflaj promises that Arkham Shadow is the biggest and longest game they’ve ever made, and thus far I’m inclined to take them at face value there. In fact, if anything, the onboarding takes too long. I get that players have to be taught how to execute the familiar gameplay mechanics of the Arkham series all over again in VR, but I was ready for more freedom in combat sooner than Shadow was ready to let me loose.

I learned how to sneak up on bad guys from behind, how to punch, how to counter, how to do finishing moves, how to throw batarangs, how to glide down from above, how to drop smoke bombs, how to grapple up to ledges, how to activate Detective Mode, how to hang upside down, and how to tie up bad guys from perches. It really is most of the stuff you do in the other Arkham games, but you get to perform the actions yourself, with your hands.

And you know what? It’s pretty fun. At least, once you’re taught all the moves and get to start stringing attacks together. Was I breaking a sweat? No, this is no Beat Saber. But you do get to throw some punches as Batman in a first-person perspective in VR and enjoy the thrill of taking down a mob of bad guys all attacking you at once. It feels cool to jab an arm out to counter a bad guy approaching from the weak side. It feels cool to grapple up to a vantage point. It feels cool to beat the ever-loving tar out of the dredges of Gotham.

But this isn’t just a VR punch-fest. Myriad bat-characters are here, from Jim Gordon to Harvey Dent and many others – and it’s all in service of a story revolving around the Rat King, a new foe in Gotham who wants to bring down the city’s elites. And herein lies my biggest unknown with Arkham Shadow so far: its story. It’s not that the story is bad, it’s that I really didn’t see any of it in the first 45 minutes of the campaign. In fact, my demo ended just as I was about to talk to Commissioner Gordon and really get the plot moving forward. The Camouflaj crew told me that they’d skipped me past a prologue that would’ve helped set things up for me. And I don’t know about you, but when I think of the Arkham games I think of two things primarily responsible for making each one memorable: combat and story. The combat is there in a uniquely VR way, yes, but the jury is still out on the story.

I’ve played enough to call this a real Arkham game.

Still, I’ve played enough to call this a real Arkham game. There are tons of collectibles scattered around to find, from Rat King transmitters to rip off the wall and smash to homemade Rat King Statue of Liberty figurines, plus others Camouflaj wouldn’t reveal yet. Unfortunately, as expected, the visuals in the Meta Quest 3 are so-so – they’re nowhere near as pretty as Rocksteady’s Arkham trilogy. That’s to be expected in lower-power tech like this, but it’s nevertheless a bit disappointing. I wouldn’t say Arkham Shadow looks bad, by any stretch, but this isn’t a gorgeous Gotham like we’ve seen in the rest of the series.

So where do I stand after 45 minutes of Arkham Shadow? Besides the other side of the room where I started, I mean, thanks to all of my punches, turns, crouches, and stealth grabs? I’m quite optimistic, honestly. I really wanted to keep playing when they took the Meta Quest off my head, as the campaign really seemed to be just starting to hit its stride. Should you go out and buy a Meta Quest 3 just for this game? It’s too early to make that call, but at the very least, it has the potential to tempt a lot of people.

Ryan McCaffrey is IGN’s executive editor of previews and host of both IGN’s weekly Xbox show, Podcast Unlocked, as well as our monthly(-ish) interview show, IGN Unfiltered. He’s a North Jersey guy, so it’s “Taylor ham,” not “pork roll.” Debate it with him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan.

Secret best Tolkien game Return To Moria gets Steam release with Steam Deck support and new sandbox mode

The dwarven engineers of The Lord Of The Rings: Return To Moria have formally entered the Golden Age of Steam. The game is now available on Valve’s digital storefront, after a year in the comparatively barren underdark of the Epic Games Store, and developers Free Range Games have also released a Golden Update, which adds offline single player pausing, around 100 building objects, and a sandbox mode allowing for non-story-led excavation and settlement of the game’s procedurally generated mountains. Plus, new hats and axes! Try not to get dragon sickness.

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Visions of Mana Review

It would be an understatement to say that Visions of Mana has high expectations to live up to. There hasn’t been a main entry in the Mana series in nearly 20 years, with only spin-offs and 3D remakes of older games tiding fans over in the meantime. But thankfully, the wait was worth it. Although there are a few glaring flaws, Visions of Mana successfully brings the series into the modern age with excellent combat and class systems, as well as a new cast of likable characters. It’s not only a great Mana game, but it’s become one of my personal favorite JRPGs in years.

If I could sum up my impressions of Visions of Mana’s storytelling in its opening acts with one word, it would be “simple” – and I mean that as a compliment. I’m a big fan of games tackling complex subjects or having dense lore to comb through, but not everything needs to be complicated just for the sake of it. Visions of Mana keeps its plot straightforward instead of bogging it down with needless exposition — at first, at least.

You play as Val, a skilled swordsman who must escort a group of people chosen to sacrifice their souls to sustain the Tree of Mana. This includes Hinna, Val’s childhood friend and hinted sweetheart, and I found the duo endearing right from the start. You’d normally expect a character in Val’s role as a guardian to be someone who takes things too seriously, but instead he’s cheerful, charming, and brimming with optimism. And rather than dwell on being compelled to sacrifice herself, Hinna is honored to be selected and excited to make her pilgrimage with Val by her side.

The party members they gain along the way have their own distinctive personalities that add variety. Careena, for example, is plucky yet irritable, and — for some baffling reason I’m still trying to wrap my head around — speaks with a heavy Texan accent. Morely, meanwhile, is easily the most serious of the group, but it’s his blunt attitude that leads to some of the funniest moments. It soon becomes apparent what shaped your new friends into the people they are, and each has a proper arc that gives them a chance to grow as individuals by directly confronting their own flaws. Rather than feeling like side stories, their tales are woven into the central plot in a way that feels organic. Gaining more insight into these characters helped change my entire perspective of them — for instance, Careena begins the journey as a brat and I had initially dismissed her as rude, but by the end, I found her to be one of the most endearing party members.

The main story had me intrigued from the very beginning.

Visions of Mana’s main story itself had me intrigued from the very beginning, but while I loved the brisk pace of the first half, it slows to an absolute crawl later on. To avoid spoilers, I’m not able to go into detail about what my biggest gripes are, but there’s a large chunk of the final 15 to 20 hours (I rolled credits on the campaign in just under 40) that I strongly felt was unnecessary padding. There ends up being a lot of retreading, and it feels like an unwelcome detour from where the story had been heading.

This turning point is also when the simplicity I initially liked was thrown out of the window and the dreaded exposition dumps started to pile up on top of each other. As a whole, I still found the overall story to be enjoyable and the ending to be emotionally satisfying, but these pacing issues later on frustratingly squander much of the early momentum that had been built up.

But the real star of Visions of Mana, one that shines even when the story falters, is its combat. Fights are fast and frantic, with a number of systems to keep track of. You have your standard and special attacks alongside moves and spells, such as fireballs or shurikens, to mix things up and exploit enemy vulnerabilities. It’s also strategic because attacking, taking damage, and using moves slowly fills up the Class Strike gauge that then lets you perform a devastating attack you’ll want to unleash as often as you can (preferably at the exact right moments). During all this, you’ll also incorporate equipable items called Elemental Vessels, each of which provides its own special ability. For example, the Luna Globe will briefly create a small bubble on the battlefield that slows down enemies while speeding up attacks and spell casting times of the party.

However, when a character equips any given Elemental Vessel, they will also automatically be swapped to its associated class, which leads me to my absolute favorite mechanic in Visions of Mana: the class system. While the function of the Luna Globe itself will never change, the role, moves, and abilities of the character equipped with it will, and every character has a class entirely unique to them for every element available.

The Luna Globe will transform Val into an Aegis, changing him from his default melee role into a tank that lets him wield a lance and shield rather than his usual sword, but Careena will instead become a Moon Charterer and takes on a buff-support role through fan dancing. As an Aegis, Val can use a move to aggro enemies and gains an ability that allows him to survive what would otherwise have been a fatal blow with 1HP once per battle, and it’s the way these options come into play as you swap around that really highlights the fun of each class

The real star of Visions of Mana is its combat and class system.

You’ll unlock even more moves and abilities for each Vessel thanks to the Elemental Plot, which acts as an upgrade system. The key difference between those two types of actions is that any moves you learn are permanent and can be equipped regardless of a character’s class, whereas abilities are tied to the class itself. So Val won’t get that protection from a fatal blow unless he’s an Aegis, but he’ll always have the option to add the aggro move to his repertoire, and that provides an exciting reason not to invest solely in one class.

But the coolest part? When equipping an Elemental Vessel to a character for the first time, you get treated to a wonderfully cheesy costume transformation cutscene straight out of a Super Sentai show as they don their new thematic outfits and weapons. Even if I didn’t really want to equip a character with a particular Vessel, I’d always do so at least once because the cinematic never failed to put a huge grin on my face. And don’t worry — once you’ve done the initial transformation sequence, you can just swap between classes at the press of a button in the menu screen between encounters.

Even more depth is added to combat by Ability Seeds, which are obtained through quests, chests, and battles. Some Seeds grant you passive bonuses like upping your stats while others grant you an entirely new move to use. Later on you’ll even be able to transfer the Corestones of defeated enemies and bosses into more powerful Seeds. A particular favorite of mine let me summon a late-game boss at my leisure to unleash some serious damage.

All of these systems tie together in a way that encourages strategy over button mashing. I had my preferred classes for certain characters, but some situations called for me to invest upgrade points into a Vessel I’d never use on them just to unlock certain moves, or even reclass them entirely. That might sound restrictive, but I actually liked that it encouraged me to branch out and try classes for characters I initially wouldn’t have wanted to, and prevents you from putting all your eggs in one basket.

Bosses can be tough if you’re not taking advantage of all your options.

For instance, normally I liked to have Morley use the class associated with the water Elemental Vessel, which transforms him into a hybrid of a stage magician and Gambit from X-Men who can stun enemies. But to defeat one particularly challenging boss, I had to switch him to a class that could maximize damage output thanks to its focus on critical hits. This also meant swapping some Ability Seeds that focused on boosting his critical damage and hit rate for complete synergy.

You’ll want to make sure you understand how to make the most of each class like this, because bosses in Visions of Mana can be tough even on the normal difficulty level if you’re not taking advantage of all your options. There are some really inventive boss designs, both visually and mechanically. Some might heavily focus on area-of-effect attacks while others will snatch your Elemental Vessel from you, temporarily preventing you from using it. Every boss kept me on the edge of my seat, and slaying them always felt rewarding.

Exploration also makes up a huge bulk of Visions of Mana. From lush jungles to snowy tundras to seaside villages, every single location feels unique and lets the gorgeous art style shine — it’s vibrant and looks like something out of a storybook, which fits the fantastical tone. Hidden chests and collectables had me exploring every inch of the map and pulled me to optional areas I otherwise would have breezed right by. There are side quests, collectables, and more still left for me to tackle, too, and I can’t wait to dive right back in to complete everything Visions of Mana has to offer.

That said, while the art style itself is great, I did notice a fair share of visual bugs. There are a lot of moments where the lipsyncing didn’t match up, and at one point a character was speaking without their mouth moving at all. I also ran into a few huge framerate drops despite playing in performance mode on PlayStation 5, though these were extremely rare.

The Mythical Creatures Of Black Myth: Wukong

Dragons, double-headed rats and blood-drinking sword-wielding tigers; Black Myth: Wukong is filled with fantastical creatures for the staff-swinging simian protagonist to confront in battle across dense jungles, dusty mountains and temple ruins. Known as Yaoguai, the monsters you’ll encounter have their origin in Chinese mythology and are especially inspired by the classical novel Journey to the West. Here’s a look at some of the mythical creatures you’ll discover in the early game…

Multiple Monkeys

Journey to the West’s most well known character is arguably Sun Wukong, the monkey king who joins the monk on his pilgrimage to retrieve sacred buddhist texts in the Chinese novel. For English audiences, the 1942 abridged translation by Arthur Waley titled Monkey is named in reference to Sun Wukong. And it is this monkey you see first upon starting Black Myth: Wukong. But this is no origin story; clad in opulent armour, the opening of the game sees the monkey king challenge a host of rivals, ranging from the towering to the magical and acrobatic. But it wouldn’t be much of an opening if everything went to plan…

After a valiant effort Sun Wukong is bested and crashes onto a mountain top⁠⁠–it is here that years later, a greying elder-monkey tells this tale to a troop of monkeys, listening intently to the story of how the monkey-king divided his spirit into six relics, which if recovered and reunited with the rock said to contain his remains, could see him rise again.

This epic tale catches the attention of one particular monkey, who comes to be known as ‘the Destined One’, and it is this adventurous monkey we control throughout the game. On his journey to uncover the lost relics in this land of mythical wonder, this primate will meet numerous friends and foes.

Keeper of Black Wind Mountain

The Destined One begins his quest on Black Wind Mountain, and it isn’t long until he meets the mysterious Keeper of Black Wind Mountain. His hunched posture and unkempt hair betray him as a wise old man, and indeed he is knowledgeable on both the area and magical abilities, claiming he’s been waiting for your arrival. Appearing from a cloud of mist, the Keeper of Black Wind Mountain first visits the Destined One to direct him to the temple ahead, but when trouble starts brewing he disappears as quickly as he arrived.

Continuing to provide guidance as an omniscient voice, the Keeper appears a couple more times, once in a moment of danger to bestow the Immobilize spell, and again after resting at a Keeper’s Shrine (for the shrines are this same Keeper’s) to briefly transform the Destined One into a golden cicada in order to scout out the area ahead stealthily. Who is the helpful old man? And how many magical tricks does he have up his sleeve? Whatever his motivations, the advice and abilities he grants are essential for dealing with the not-so friendly creatures you will encounter…


Black Myth’s mythical world is inhabited by creatures both big and small⁠. Known as Yaoguai, these monsters often take the shape of humanoid animals, talking, walking on two legs and fighting in uncannily human ways. In the early area, you’ll exchange blows with various forms of foxes, wolves and snakes, each of which have⁠ their origins in Chinese mythology. Others from the animal kingdom also represented include rats, frogs, bats and crows⁠–but it’s not just the fauna you need to look out for, some particularly well disguised flora will surprise you when you go to pick them. These serve as the lower level enemies known as Lesser Yaoguai⁠–but don’t let that name fool you, they can still pack a punch.

When you start to spar with those who have a health bar at the bottom of the screen, you’re likely in the presence of a Yaoguai Chief or the more powerful Yaoguai King, a group of particularly formidable foes. These specifically named enemies are often characters from Journey to the West who have been lifted from the page and onto pixels. Ahead of a confrontation with Black Bear Guai at the end of the first chapter, the Destined One must first defeat Lingxuzi, a large grey wolf, and the Whiteclad Nobel, a snake in a man’s body⁠–reflecting the relationships between the characters in the classical novel. The game is a retelling of the mythical legend, so while some elements will adhere closely to the novel, as is the case with all adaptations, changes will likely be made to better fit this new medium.

The sheer number and variety of creatures you’ll meet is vast, fortunately, Black Myth: Wukong has a Portraits section within the Journal on the pause screen, that functions as a form of bestiary or logbook for the monsters you’ve bested and characters you’ve met. There you can see evocative ink illustrations of each Yaogaui along with more information about their backstory.

Intrigued to see what other mythical creatures await in this land of vast wonders? There’s no need to wait, Black Myth: Wukong is out now on PS5 and PC. And if you’re already playing, what’s your favourite creature you’ve seen so far? Let us know in the comments below.

Metroidvania Uruc is like Rain World but the slugcat gets a shotgun and pilots a mech

The slugcat of Rain World is a distinct little character. He flops around, squeezing through narrow tunnels with a movement that’s both cute and mildly gross. When he is eaten by a passing disco lizard or ravenous skull-faced vulture, it is because he is basically a delicious Squirmle existing in a horrifying cryptozoological ecosystem. He is, however, never stepped upon by a mech with a missile launcher. He is never given a shotgun and tasked with shooting the other animals. Yet that basically seems to be the elevator pitch for Uruc, a sci-fi metroidvania set in a distant future where strange life battles mechanical monstrosities.

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Video: Sakurai Looks Back On The Super Smash Bros. ‘Dojo’ Marketing Campaigns

“I chose to handle updating the website myself.

We all remember those days leading up to the launch of Smash Bros. entries like BRAWL and Ultimate; waiting for any scrap of new information on potential fighters, stages, items, and more was certainly taxing at times, but goodness, it felt like Christmas morning everytime something significant was revealed.

In his latest video, Masahiro Sakurai looks back on the creation and implementation of the ‘Dojo’ marketing campaigns for the Super Smas Bros. franchise. As he touched on in a previous video, there was an iteration of the campaign for the original N64 title, though this wasn’t particularly well known outside of Japan, and thanks to the infantcy of the internet back in those days, very little of it lived up to Sakurai’s high standards.

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Here’s a demo for Dead By Daylight spin-off The Casting Of Frank Stone, from the makers of Until Dawn

This morning I left my torpid flat in search of coffee, sniffed the restive wind, noted with approval the gloom gathering beneath the trees, and thought: at last, summer is over. At last, we quit the disgusting sunlit months. At last we leave all that is green and good behind, and return to the time of monsters.

Supermassive Games and Behaviour Interactive must have gotten the memo too. They’ve just released a demo for their next horror game The Casting Of Frank Stone, in which you are a policeman, Sam Green, who is investigating the disappearance of a child. The search leads you to Cedar Hills Steel Mill, “where chilling secrets await, revealing a far more sinister truth than anyone could have anticipated”. I am anticipating: QTEs during escape sequences, branching choices that get people killed, and General Mature Content appropriate to the coming of Halloween.

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Looks Like Sony Leaked the LEGO Horizon Adventures Release Date by Mistake

It looks like Sony accidentally published the LEGO Horizon Adventures release date on the PlayStation website.

Gematsu reports that redditor foreveryoung1108 spotted a November 14 release date for the PlayStation 5, PC, and Nintendo Switch spin-off on the PlayStation website. That release date is no longer live.

Current speculation is that the release date is set to be announced during today’s Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase, which follows Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase due to kick off at 7am PT/10am ET.

LEGO Horizon Adventures has appeared at prior Nintendo showcase events, most recently June’s Nintendo Direct, so it would make sense that a release date would pop up today.

LEGO Horizon Adventures is an action adventure game inspired by the world of Horizon, and designed for two-player, couch co-op play. It’s a family-friendly take on Horizon, co-developed by main Horizon developer Guerrilla Games, and Studio Gobo, with Aloy as the star and very loosely following the story of Zero Dawn. We’ve previously seen LEGO collaborate with Sony for actual physical LEGO sets based on Horizon.

IGN previewed LEGO Horizon Adventures earlier this summer and came away impressed. “LEGO Horizon Adventures presents a massive toy box to tinker, fuss around with, and most importantly, laugh about,” we said.

To find out how this strange collaboration between Guerrilla and LEGO came out, check out IGN’s interview with Guerrilla Games narrative director James Windeler from Summer Game Fest.

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at or confidentially at