League of Legends MMO Producer Announces Plans to Leave Riot

Just over two years after Riot Games announced its League of Legends MMORPG, the game’s executive producer is stepping down.

Today, executive producer Greg Street announced his departure from Riot Games in a Twitter thread.

“A combo of personal and professional considerations led me to down this path,” Street wrote. “We experienced some devastating personal losses last year and I want to be closer to my surviving family.”

However, Street assured Riot fans that the MMO spinoff is still in production.

“The MMO is in good hands and it’s the right time to hand over the reigns for the next phase,” he wrote. “I plan to stay in game development and I have had a number of exciting opportunities presented to me already. And I will be with you all playing the Riot MMO when it comes out.”

Street first joined Riot as the lead gameplay designer on the original League of Legends in 2013, according to Riot’s website. He announced the League of Legends MMORPG in 2020 via a tweet, though in 2022, he said there is “no guarantee” the game releases.

Of course, the League of Legends MMORPG isn’t the only League of Legends-related project Riot currently has in the works. In January, a spinoff called Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story was leaked, and last December, we got another look at the upcoming League of Legends fighter Project L.

Amelia Zollner is a freelance writer at IGN who loves all things indie and Nintendo. Outside of IGN, they’ve contributed to sites like Polygon and Rock Paper Shotgun. Find them on Twitter: @ameliazollner.

Cities: Skylines 2’s achievements hint at larger cities and disasters

Cities: Skylines 2 was announced yesterday, with a CG trailer and scant details aside from it being in some way “revolutionary”. If you hunger for something more concrete about how it might differ from its predecessor, as I do, then you might be interested in an apparently leaked list of achievements that contains details of disasters, weather, embiggened map sizes and more.

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Why Minecraft Steve Is Causing Drama in the Super Smash Bros. Community

Minecraft Steve is known for breaking things. He breaks blocks in Minecraft, he broke the internet when he was announced for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and now, the character is breaking the balance of Smash Ultimate’s competitive scene.

Steve (along with alternate costumes of Alex, Enderman, and Zombie) joined Smash Ultimate’s roster in October 2020 and was instantly recognized as one of the game’s most mechanically complex fighters. The Minecraft crew rapidly soared to the top of Ultimate’s tier list, with the competitive community generally considering the fighters to be among the best in the game.

Steve’s unique playstyle forced opponents to play Smash in basically an entirely new way, having to take his block-building mechanics into account while balancing the dozens of other mind games and considerations already on the table during a competitive Smash Bros. fight. Talks of banning the character have been bubbling up for a while due to his huge damage and dominating stage control, but the conversation has taken a turn due to a brand new discovery that makes Steve an even more fearsome foe.

Recently, Smash players discovered a new, potentially game-breaking technique within Steve’s kit that’s already caused dozens of competitive Smash events to ban the character. While the scene hasn’t agreed on a final, community-wide ruling either way regarding Steve’s future in competitive play, Steve mains that have invested countless hours in the character are worried about what comes next.

“It definitely is nerve-wracking and stressful hearing about the Steve ban,” said Kevin “RockMan” B., an Alex main from the SoCal region who’s been active in the Smash scene for the last five years. “A lot of people are worried about the time and effort that they put into their character now seemingly going to waste. And for people who do coaching or have a YouTube channel based around the character, [they might] need to change what they do, with many feeling they need to leave the game since they don’t have a character that will resonate with them as much as Steve did.”

‘Phantom MLG’: The New Technique that’s Changing Smash Bros.

So what is this game-breaking technique? The Smash community is calling it Phantom MLG, and it allows Steve players to instantly cancel the hitstun of many attacks, which can then lead to punishing combos on an opponent.

To put it simply, Steve can ignore one of Smash’s most basic concepts with this input. Usually when a Smash character is hit, they experience knockback, leaving them vulnerable and unable to defend against incoming enemy attacks. Phantom MLG allows Steve to completely prevent knockback, letting him instantly retaliate with a combo of his own. Currently, Phantom MLG is only possible with Steve, giving him and the rest of the Minecraft crew a huge advantage over the rest of Ultimate’s roster when this technique is used properly.

Since this move essentially punishes opponents for even attempting to hit Steve at low percentages, it’s a total game-changer. If you want to see what Phantom MLG looks like in action, check out the video below.

An imbalanced character has devastating potential for a fighting game community, a concept the Smash scene is all too familiar with. Meta Knight in Super Smash Bros. Brawl was notoriously overpowered, leading to widespread bans of the character.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U had a big Bayonetta problem toward the end of its competitive life. Bayonetta was never banned from the game despite her evident advantage over the rest of the roster, leading to one tournament where fans left the audience in droves before the start of a Bayonetta vs Bayonetta Grand Finals. Banning a character is a situation the community doesn’t take lightly.

“Banning a character is always going to be unfair one way or another,” said Eric “ESAM” Lew, a highly-ranked Smash Ultimate Pikachu main. “I was part of the Universal Ruleset Committee in Brawl days back on Smashboards, I voted to ban Meta Knight knowing that a large part of the community played that character. You have to also realize that while banning a character sucks really bad for the people that play them, having a character that is obscenely broken be legal hurts all the other people that play, too. If everyone that mained Steve quit if he gets banned, I don’t know if that would be more than the people that quit because of Steve, if that makes sense.”

One tournament organizer who wished to remain anonymous said they believed a community-wide Steve ban is justified. But much of the community is still weighing all the options, as many Ultimate players are worried about history repeating itself with Steve.

Banning a character is always going to be unfair one way or another

“An imbalanced character creates a lot of frustration for other players, as it could feel like they’re being beaten unfairly,” said Sam “SBF” Brooks-Franklin, an Ultimate player who’s been competing since 2015. “In the context of this new Steve tech, players are abusing an exploit which no other character has access to… And as a result it is a very unhealthy mechanic. This is because Steve is widely regarded to be the best character in the game — with the character having already previously been in discussion to be banned — and now he’s been given an additional tool which makes the character even stronger and [more] polarizing than he already is.”

While some believe Steve should just be banned outright, some Steve mains are trying to salvage their character by suggesting only banning the Phantom MLG tech itself, rather than the entire character.

“The middle ground of ‘ban the glitch and not the character’ is one that comes with its own complications, as it is very difficult to monitor it,” RockMan said. “So despite what I may feel, it’s ultimately up to what the Smash Ultimate tournament organizers wish to do with Steve.”

Those complications include the impracticality of reviewing a lengthy match to verify if Steve used the tech, and players hesitating to report the move if there’s any uncertainty.

The concept of only banning the tech, not the character, will be put into practice within the next week. Collision 2023 is the next major Smash event that’s scheduled for March 10-March 12. We spoke with the tournament organizer, FinallyRJ, about how next week’s event will handle Steve in light of this week’s discourse. He told us that Collision has banned the Phantom MLG tech, but has not banned Steve from the event.

“I believe that Steve is, undoubtedly, the best character in the game,” FinallyRJ said. “However, this being said, being the best doesn’t constitute being removed. I try to take approaches that are non-destructive first and I believe that removing a character from play is a destructive choice for those who’ve invested time into learning the ins and outs… There have been strong arguments that the [Phantom MLG] tech can be managed within an event setting. We believe we have enough staff to test out this theory.”

If an opponent believes a Steve player illegally used the Phantom MLG tech during a Collision match, the player must save a replay of the battle and bring it to the tournament moderators for review. If it works, this could be the way forward for larger events, but smaller events with fewer crew members could struggle to review individual matches in a timely manner.

Players remain unsure about a ban

Still, Ultimate is a better-balanced game than Smash for Wii U before it. Even though Steve has long been considered a top tier character, he’s not dominating tournaments as much as Bayonetta did back in the day. This has some players unsure of if a ban is necessary at this time.

“Right now, I think it’s hard to say if Steve should be banned because of this tech,” SBF said. “Whilst it’s potentially game breaking, Steve is not overly dominating the metagame and we have not had any big tournaments where Steve players have abused this mechanic to win… I’ll keep an open mind for now as I’m interested to see if these new rules at big tournaments do actually prevent the usage of the tech though.”

RockMan and a handful of other Steve mains are attempting to go straight to the source: Nintendo. Players are contacting the Smash publisher through the company’s support line in hopes to receive one final patch specifically for this glitch.

But given that Smash Ultimate received its last-ever combat balance update back in 2021, a fix for this issue seems like a longshot. However, Nintendo’s statement at the time of the final patch did state that, “This is the last update related to the balance adjustment of the game, except for dealing with problems,” so it all depends on if Nintendo views this issue with Steve as a problem worth solving. If the problem never gets solved, it seems Steve could break the hearts of those who have invested so much time competing with the character.

“I do hope that with more experimentation the glitch does not appear to be as impactful as it once was, or tournament organizers can find a way to monitor if this does occur in tournaments and provide a proper adjustment to it,” RockMan said. “But I and many others are fully prepared to either change the character we play, or drop out of the competitive scene entirely.”

Parts of these interviews have been edited for clarity.

Logan Plant is a freelance writer at IGN

A Lost Destiny 2 Character Makes A Cryptic Return in Lightfall

Somehow, Asher Mir has returned.

With the launch of Destiny 2: Lightfall, players are diving into the game’s story and unearthing some hidden clues about where the story could go next. In a surprise detail hidden in one of Lightfall’s activities, one of Destiny 2’s more memorable supporting characters, the Awoken Warlock Asher Mir, makes a quick cameo — and most players have likely missed it.

Thanks to some Destiny 2 fans on social media and content creators on YouTube, the community has uncovered evidence of Asher Mir’s return in the game’s plot. Hidden in the Partition activity on Neomuna, which sees guardians explore a repurposed Vex network, Asher Mir’s digital self is located on a hidden platform, and he signals to the player to approach him. Though he does not speak, he gives the familiar glare he would give when players visited him on Io.

However, he has left a more direct message for players in a lore description on the Inside Line sparrow, which is available for players from the season pass rewards. When inspecting the lore for the Inside Line, there is a morse code message that says, “STILL ALIVE INSIDE NETWORK IDIOT KIDS.”

For those who played OG Destiny 2, Asher Mir was a prickly character who commonly made snide comments. In short, it’s classic Asher Mir.

Asher Mir’s origins

As one of the original characters from Destiny 2’s launch in 2017, the supporting vendor Asher Mir was on the planet Io, which was taken over by the Vex, Cabal, and Taken factions. As one of the planet’s primary characters, he would give players details about Io’s history and clues about the Vex Pryamidion — a Vex stronghold that stretched across time and space. In the earlier phases of Destiny 2, Asher Mir was the foremost expert on The Vex, and would conduct experiments into the Vex network and explore the Pyramidion and its many permeatations.

However, with Beyond Light’s launch in 2020, Bungie sunsetted a sizable portion of Destiny 2’s content, including several planets, activities, and characters. This mass vaulting, unfortunately, included NPCs like Asher Mir and Sloane from the planet Titan. Storywise, the Darkness had invaded the Sol System and swallowed up several planets, erasing them from existence. In 2023, with Destiny 2 in a vastly changed state from its debut, many players who jumped into the game recently have no idea who this character is. Nevertheless, for long-time fans of Destiny 2, this is the clearest confirmation that Asher Mir is still alive, which could lead to more from him in the future.

We’re still uncovering more details about Destiny 2: Lightfall, so be sure to check back with IGN for more updates, along with our finalized review.

Alessandro Fillari is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram @afillari.

Countdown: 3DS eShop Spotlight – 3D Gunstar Heroes

#12 – A real treasure.

For the month before the 3DS and Wii U eShops close for new purchases on 27th March, each day we’re going to highlight a specific eShop game for one of those consoles and give a short pitch as to why we think it deserves your love and attention — before it’s too late. The chance to add these to your library will be gone for good soon and, for one reason or another, these eShop-exclusives are close to our hearts.

Today, Alana nominates 3D Gunstar Heroes, a 3DS-specific re-release of Treasure’s seminal run-and-gun shooter from the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

The Skull Merchant Comes to Dead by Daylight: A Beginner’s Guide

Her reign is built on a mountain of bone. Dead by Daylight’s latest Killer is The Skull Merchant, a ruthless apex hunter driven to pursue prey worthy of her talents.

After years of experimentation, she has finally perfected her deadliest tool: Drones, designed to observe and track any Survivor in its vicinity. Meticulously handcrafted using the skulls of her many victims, these grotesque combinations of bone and metal cast an oppressive shadow.

To effectively master this Killer, you must be prepared to set traps, analyze key points of interest, and capitalize on emboldened Survivors. While The Skull Merchant comes with three Character Perks – Game Afoot, Thwack!,and Leveragethis guide is focused on her Power and how to use it.


The Drone Zone

The Skull Merchant’s Power, Eyes to the Sky, allows her to position multiple Drones in places of her choosing. Some potential places could be around Generators, Hex Totems, or areas that may see heavy travel. You will also have a Radar device, which will allow you to track the location of Survivors under certain circumstances.

Once a Drone has been placed, it enters Active Mode and detects Survivors within its surrounding radius. Note that will you be Undetectable while in this radius, and any Survivor that enters it will be revealed on your Radar. While inside the Active Zone, the Drone will gradually Lock-On to that Survivor, revealing their exact location through Killer Instinct. They will also become Exposed.

If several seconds pass and no Survivor enters the radius while the Drone is in Active Mode, the Drone will switch to Scouting Mode. While in Scouting Mode, the Drone will slowly rotate to catch Survivors in its line of sight. It’s far safer for a Survivor to approach during this time, provided they can avoid the Drone’s rotating sightlines. Should the Drone detect them however, it will immediately enter Active Mode.

Once you place your Drones, you’ll have the ability to recall them or manually set them to Active Mode, though you cannot force a Drone to return to Scouting Mode. Consider using this if you predict that a Survivor is attempting to approach and disable a Drone, though you’ll have to primarily trust your instinct on this one. Remember, the more Survivors actively stressing about Drones, the better.


Key Placements

One of The Skull Merchant’s biggest strengths is her ability to keep tabs of Survivor locations. When you first spawn into a Trial, remember that Survivors will generally spawn at a considerable distance. As the Skull Merchant does not have cross-Map mobility to effectively disrupt their early game plans, you should try to get into a mindset of predicting their future actions.


While you make your approach, you’ll notice several Generators that have yet to be touched – the closer together they are, the better. These are ideal areas to station a Drone, as Survivors will eventually make their way toward those Generators. From there, they will have to choose whether to ignore the Drone and commit to the Generator, build progress to become Exposed and revealed through Killer Instinct, or attempt to disable the Drone and receive a Claw Trap.

Claw Trap: Whenever a Survivor successfully hacks and disables one of your Drones, they will receive a Claw Trap. When a Survivor receives a Claw Trap, their location will be trackable on your Radar until the Trap’s battery dies.

Because Drones create such a perilous zone for Survivors, it’s effective to widen the scope of your web by placing multiple. That way, you maximize the possibility of a favourable outcome. You’ll either end up targeting an Exposed Survivor or gain the ability to track a Claw Trapped Survivor on your radar. It may happen that a Claw Trapped Survivor attempts to draw you away to an inconvenient location – in that case, it’s up to you to decide whether taking that chase is worth it.

At the end of the day, The Skull Merchant is a Killer who specializes in trap placement, so don’t be discouraged if you lose a few Generators in the early game.

Map image

Drones and Radar

Dealing with all these Drones can feel overwhelming – especially when your initial placements prove ineffective, and you’re left improvising on the fly. Drones can have significant value in a chase, especially when you’re pursuing a Survivor around a complex loop with limited line-of-sight.


Not only will their exact location eventually be revealed by Killer Instinct if they remain in the Drone’s Active Zone, but you’ll also get the immediate benefit of becoming Undetectable. That means you won’t have to worry about hiding your Red Stain, and Survivors will have a harder time gauging your location.

As for your Radar – remember, you have it for a reason, so use it to obtain crucial information on Survivor whereabouts. The leftmost light informs you where you can place a Drone, while the rightmost one informs you when a Survivor is inside a Drone’s Active Zone. The Radar will remain unlit when your Power is on Cooldown. Keep an eye on those visual signals!

The Skull Merchant is all about control, and you’ll soon find that an effective setup can lead to some truly merciless results. The Skull Merchant is now available in Dead by Daylight’s Tools of Torment Chapter on Xbox.

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Dead by Daylight

Behaviour Interactive Inc.



Xbox Game Pass

Ever wished to play as one of the characters from your favorite horror movies? Dead by Daylight is a 1v4 multiplayer game that draws from all corners of the horror world from a powerful slasher to a terrifying paranormal entity.

Choose between playing an unstoppable Killer and one of 4 Survivors trying to evade a gruesome death. Each character has their own deep progression system and plenty of unlockables that can be customized to fit your personal strategy. Work together to escape, or stalk and sacrifice every Survivor.

This Edition of Dead by Daylight gives you access to a roster of 7 Killers (The Trapper, The Hillbilly, The Wraith, The Nurse, The Hag, The Huntress and The Doctor) and 9 Survivors (Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Dwight Fairfield, Ace Visconti, Nea Karlsson, Bill Overbeck, Feng Min and David King). It also includes two cosmetic add-ons packed with outfits for various characters.

Creepy-Cute Indie Adventure Meg’s Monster Now Available on Xbox Series X and Xbox One
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Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is Up for Preorder

From Software’s next game isn’t an Elden Ring or Dark Souls sequel. It’s a sequel to an older series that existed long before those action-RPGs took over the gaming landscape. Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is the developer’s next game, and it’s slated to release sometime this year. It’s up for preorder now at all the usual retailers (see it at Amazon). Read on to see what comes with the game, plus what to expect from this blast from the past.

Preorder Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon



Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One


Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Trailer

What Is Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon?

Armored Core is a series of mech shooters that dates back to the early days of From Software, with the first installment hitting the original PlayStation in 1997. The company put out a lot of games over the ensuing years, but it kept making Armored Core games every few years, with the most recent installment being 2013’s Armored Core: Verdict Day for PS3 and Xbox 360.

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is about a dangerously unstable new fuel source found on the planet Rubicon 3. Various corporations and resistance groups are vying for control of the substance. You play as a freelancing mercenary, and you create your very own mech that you can use to maneuver and blast through a series of missions.

Other Preorder Guides

Chris Reed is a deals expert and commerce editor for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @_chrislreed or on Mastodon @chrislreed.

The Mageseeker, A Gorgeous Pixel Art Action RPG In The League Of Legends World, Out April

Update: A Collector’s Edition will be available, too.

Update : After last month’s teaser, Riot Forge and Digital Sun have announced that The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story will be launching on Switch pretty darn soon, on 18th April 2023 (via Gematsu).

The game will be available on the Switch eShop for $29.99USD / £24.99, or you can shell out $39.99USD for the Digital Deluxe edition. Fans will also be able to bag a Collector’s Edition for $169.99USD which includes a statue, a unique comic, an art book, an art print, enamel pins, and an exclusive vinyl version of the soundtrack.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com